Chapter Twenty Seven - Heaven

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P.o.v Tyler

I woke up, Josh was gone.. I looked around the house, Bean was gone too... How could he just take the dog and leave? I opened my drawer to get dressed and a letter fell out.

It read,


I am leaving yøu this letter because I didn't want tø wake yøu beføre I left. I'm sørry this is shørt nøtice and I regret nøt waking yøu. I tøøk bean før a drive, a drive tø my father's. We have training tø dø. Døn't cøme øver thøugh.. Nø scrubs aløud. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, yøu knøw what tøday is? yøur day baby. Shøwer, get dressed, Mark shøuld be øver søøn. I tøld him tø take yøu sømewhere nice, beføre yøu start yøur day. Sørry abøut the mess in the bathrøøm, I cøløred my hair. I swear! I Will Clean It Up. Believe me. Well. I'll see yøu later, døn't førget anything when yøu leave.

XØXØ Jøshua"

He's too sweet. Even when he's away.
I wanted it to be like this for a long time. I don't ever want our spark to die out. I don't want this life to end. For once in my life. I thought twice about death. The o's are all crossed out. But what is today? My day? I don't understand.

I thought for a while, grabbed my uke and practiced a song. But shortly after playing Mark showed up.

"OHH TYLERRRRR!" he shouted from the door.

"OHH MARRRRK!" I replied.

"Come onnn let me in."

I threw my keys out the window, he caught them and came in.

"So what are your plans?"


"You know... You and Josh!"

"We plan on getting married I just don't know when, we just got a dog."

"Nice nice, have you written vows?"

"I wrote him a song on uke, I want to play it at the wedding, but I don't know when that'll be.."

"I see, well Josh sent me here. I think he has a photoshoot set up and want me to take pictures so."

"Alright, I gotta shower, I'll be out and we can roll."

"Cool cool." he said while walking over to my t.v.

The counter had hair color everywhere, it was just red and then he colors it again. I took a red bull to the shower and got ready. There was a note in the corner of the mirror that read,


I figured yøu'd find this AFTER yøu shøwer, løøk in the cløset. It's før yøu. Put it øn and gø with Mark tø wherever he takes yøu. Make sure yøu grab a høuse key. I døn't have mine.

XØXØ Jøshua"

I opened the closet and inside was a sharp suit with my watch in the pocket. I looked amazing and it fit perfectly. Why does Josh do this? I came in my room and Mark was watching cartoons. He handed me my ukulele and we headed out. We got to the door and I remembered Josh forgot his key. I rushed my way to the kitchen drawer and got the key, it was in a ziploc bag with a note that said,

"This won't be the only key you own."

I didn't understand what he meant, I obviously own a car key, mail key, business key, shed key. Whatever.

"So where are we going Mark? You two seem to be keeping a lot from me."

"As of right now, you and I are getting food because, quite frankly, Josh is being a butt today and plus I haven't had a fucking burrito in three weeks."

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