Chapter 57: Operation Cross Country

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   I arrived at my condo unit.

   The room is empty except for my dog, who yipped and stood on his hind legs in excitement.

"Its good to be back." I whispered, petting Panzer on the head.

  I suddenly realized that I forgot to buy dog food yesterday.

   Then a saw a small white box with a rectangular hole, with a glowing blue LED light inside, stuck to the wall with a bowl full of dog food under it.

  I noticed that there is a note stuck on the machine.

While you were away, you forgot to feed the dog, so I bought a dog food dispenser from the local pet store next to the condo.

Your very handsome lil' bro

"Thanks bro." I whispered.

  I walked to my room and I lay down on my bed. I opened the interface of my Holo.

   I tried to contact my wife, but I forgot that our comms went offline after IRIS defected to RavenClaw's alliance.

   I remember that when Vince was alive he made a device that resembles a mini satellite on a metal container, that can transmit short-lived channels just in case that the comms went out.

   I don't know how to maintain it and how it works , but I know how to use it.

  I pressed the red button on the device. I only have one hour to use it.
I contacted my wife.

  A floating holographic screen showing her face appeared on midair, while I lay in bed. She is beautiful as always.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hullo, hon," she jokingly greeted."Why do you call so late? I was worried! Or,are you talking to some whore who is more beautiful than me?!"she disappointedly asked.

"Because of the missions, and, rest assured, no woman is as beautiful, smart, and deadly as you." I assured.

"Haha." She smiled and grinned; even if I already have a artificial heart, my heart still stops when I see her smile. Her smile is as infectious as the weaponized viruses in Doc's lab. I grinned at that thought.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Still alive and fighting. I'm getting too old for this shit."

"You should retire soon, maybe help in my new cafe soon?"

"You have a cafe?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, business is booming. I don't have time to play video games anymore."

"Sure, I will help, while I'll be writing a book.

"You will continue that writing gig?"


"Good, you'd gave up your dream ever since the day you've joined the military."

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