Chapter 43:Mutants

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    The rescue dropships arrived. They retrieve the dead bodies on the ground.

   The recently arrived 28th Reserved  Armored Group will provide the vehicles for the remaining mercenaries and another command vehicle with a TOW missile launcher on the top.

   I entered the vehicle, opening the bullet resistant door.I activated the Command Pod. The holographic map appeared.

   There are only ten combat groups left. I viewed the live footage of the combat drones they have.

   I saw both the enemy and our troops get eaten by hordes of fast-moving skin-colored humanoids.

   The Containment Corps effectively handled the situation well, by using their Active Vibration Emitters mounted on their vehicles lined up in front of them to drive them away and IFVs and tanks are firing at them with their machine guns, cannons, missiles, lasers, and auto-cannons.

   Flares launched from armored vehicles fitted with Automatic Mortar systems fired white phosphorus, illuminating the area close to the wall to attract the mutants to back inside the wall.

   This is new.We've never fought mutants before. At least that the local containment corps are in our side.

   I commanded the remaining combat groups to retreat back to base.

   Then the Containment Corps sealed the hole with fast-drying concrete from the high-pressure hoses from  specialized armored vehicles with large containers at the back.

"Search the area for remaining threats." I contacted all of the remaining groups.

   Later they reported that there are nobody left. All of the personnel in the FOB are taking part in retrieving their fellow comrades bodies. I personally thanked the Major General and his division of the Containment Corps for saving our asses.

    One question remained in my head.

   Why was the wall suddenly exploded? Maybe the Lotus insurgents did it.

  Damn RavenClaw for funding them. All those lives wasted for nothing! I know that we are all aware of the risks, fighting for the private military industrial complex, making our lives worth less than money, but still.. I cant even begin the comprehend what I feel right now. Their deaths are in vain because of my failure as a commander. They escaped, and caused us more trouble.

   Later, we drove through the snowstorm and we arrived at the FOB. The night was dark and the snow falling from above danced with the overwhelming frezzing wind.

   Nevertheless, we still continued to performed the company's burial rites.   All of the base's staff are required to attend.

   The wooden coffins were wrapped in a flag with the company's logo, and the bodies' flag of their homeland. Then, the bodies' closest friends will place their weapons and armor beside them.

  All of the mercenaries shot their guns  in the air, emulating the honor guards of other countries.

  Then the remaining officers placed gold medals and ribbons on their chest, for the honor of serving in the company.

  I walked to the body of Vince and Colonel Arnold Reyes, both wrapped in the flag of the company and the flag of the Philippine Federation.

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