Chapter 33: Raid

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"What is your plan?" she asked.

"Wait, you didn't introduced yourself." I added.

"Oh, sorry. Call me Echo. Now what is your plan?"

"The pilots and flight attendants were undercover mercenaries, right?" I asked.

"Yes, they are hired by your boss." She answered.

"But they only want to know if my memories are back, so there is a  high probability that Boss will suspend the order of killing me, because the company is too broke to kill me." I formulated.

"Well, if you die, I will blame you." She jesters.

"Sounds like a plan." I joked.

   Then, Dr. Reinhardt grabbed the upgraded cybernetic legs from the laboratory.

   The pair of black cybernetic legs were shining, as if were brand new. It looked very aerodynamic and sleek. It looks like it is delicately assembled piece-by-piece.

  On the back of the legs were thin engraved disks that looked like the turbines of a plane.

"I present you, the Mark II Hermes, my newest speed-augmented prosthetic cybernetic legs, just for you!" he announced. Echo face-palmed and walked out of the room like she knew this will happen.

   Well, when Dr presents one of his inventions he presents it like the salesmen in infomercials.

   The only thing missing is the price tag and discount prizes. When he does, almost everybody in the room walks out.

"It is made of compressed and tempered Ultranite. It is coated with anti-flammable coating. The legs can withstand high levels of gravity and speed. It is powered by plasma-propulsion engines. It can run speeds of Mach 5 and beyond. It also has Ultranium-Titanium alloyed blades under your foot. It can activate by your voice and your Holo!"he announced.

    He looked around his office, like he is watching out for signs of eavesdropping.

"Did you know why I made you the previous and the new cybernetic legs?" he whispered.


"Because, when you went unconscious, I was the one who replaced your heart. But when I tried to cut your chest, the black liquid inside your body regenerated your wounds. So I put a magnet surrounding your chest to attract them." He explained.

"Then I replaced your heart with a cybernetic one that can harbor nano-machines. You see, the black liquid are your nano-machines.Someone must've planted it in your body a long time ago." he explained. "Only you are compatible with these legs, because your nano-machines augment every physical ability in your body. Your reflexes, strength etcetera, except speed, you need your cybernetic legs for that." he continued.

"But there is a catch, the nano-machines harbor in your brain, affecting it. It affects your thinking and emotions to the point when you couldn't control them. Be careful, use this." he added.

   He gave me a white, cylindrical container of pills."This is for controlling your nanomachines inside your brain." Doc explained.

  The alarms screamed. Red lights in the room blinked.

"I think it is time to test it out." I commented.

   He replaced my prosthetic legs that came from the hospital in the United Northern African Republic to my brand new Mark II Hermes.

I opened the door.

"Activate." I commanded.

The plasma-propulsion engines whirred inside of my brand new legs. Then I ran. With overwhelming speed I appeared in the elevator with the other mercenaries in the elevator. They looked surprised.

" Lieutenant General.. sir..." he gulped." Why are you here?" a sergeant asked.

"I just visited." I answered. "Don't worry, I will fight. I will test these." I pointed to my legs.

"Sir, yes sir!" the sergeant shouted.

   The elevator ascended to the ground floor.

"Ready shields!" the sergeant commanded to the mercenaries.

   Their grey,small, spherical drones flew out from their backs. They flew at the front of the elevator door in front of us, then they emitted a orange, disk-shaped energy shield. They clumped tighter to each other to cover the door.

   The elevator ringed.The elevator's doors opened.We were greeted by enemy fire.

  "Charge!" the sergeant shouted. We and the drones ran forward as the drone's energy shields absorbed the bullets. We hide in the furniture for cover. Then, I ran to the enemy.

   Time slowed down, or rather, my reflexes sped up.The enemies were wearing suits, sunglasses and trench coats.

The Yakuza.

   They fired their guns at me. The guns looked like personal defense weapons with a lot of attachments. I see their bullets slowly approach me. The world is in slow motion.

   I ran to the enemy in front of me. I punched him, leaving his head exploding in slow motion. I did not know that I'm that strong. Then I ran to the enemy beside me. I kicked him to the wall leaving him floating in slow motion.

I'm beginning to enjoy this.

    I used my blades beneath my cybernetic legs and I roundhouse kicked three of them, slicing them. Then I stabbed the last enemy using my blades under my feet.

  The time went back to normal, I felt my reflexes relax.

   The mercenaries were shocked for a second. Then they returned fire on the direction behind me.

    Time slowed again, it must be the result of my superhuman reflexes.

    I saw the hail of bullets on both sides firing at each other in slow motion,with me in the crossfire.

   I saw the opposing force.

   Numerous men with suits, behind the three armored hover-vans with heavy machine guns fired at the mercenaries inside the building suppressing them.

   They have infiltrated beyond the headquarter's wall. The MAAST turrets are disabled.

    I dodged the bullets, while running. I catch some of the bullets coming towards me and I throw them to the Yakuza members.

     I continued until I got close to the enemies. I jumped to the three hover-vans and I killed the men manning the heavy machine guns.

    The mercenaries fired at the enemy behind the vans.

   I slaughthered the remaining enemies with a combination of punches and kicks with my cybernetic legs.

   My mind went numb when fighting. I hear voices whispering loudly into my ear.

  Kill, Kill them all. Yes, Jack, do what you were born to do. Very good, kill some more. You love to see people getting eviscerated, dont you, Jack? Dont stop until you fill the oceans with blood.

   That's just what my brain is telling me.

  I laughed maniacally.

   Yes, Jack. Can you hear the chaotic orchestra of screams? It is nice to hear, isn't it, Jack the Ripper?

  I saw myself beating the corpses of the enemies. I heard mumbled voices behind me. Its them telling me to stop.

  Dont listen to your friends pleading you to stop. If they dont let you have your fun, are they your friends, Jack?
Jack? Hello? Jackie? You there?

   Then suddenly, as if my body decided to stop moving, everything went black.

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