Chapter: 2 Operation: Archangel

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    As we had gone to the base's airfield, we hop in on the drop-ship.

    Inside the drop-ship, it has two doors on each side, beside the doors are passenger seats, we sat on the right side of the drop-ship. In our front was a screen, keyboard, camera, holo projector, speaker and a additional drawer for storing things.

   We called this the Command Pod, at the back are workbenches and storage compartments for weapons, gear, etc.

   After some technical difficulties, the pilot said the drop-ship is ready to take off. Moments later, the drop-ship took off.

  Later, 7,000 meters in the air, the screen in the Command Pod flickered, then the screen showed our official company's logo, a minimalistic red Spartan warrior with a flaming spear and a shield.

"Looks cool as heck bro." my brother commented.

"Mhm" I uttered because I have nothing to say and no clever remarks to say.

The screen showed my boss's dark-skinned face on the screen.

"I will now brief you about Operation Archangel. Mongolia's military branch in former China is willing to pay 100,000,000,000 credits in exchange for helping them remove the Lotus terror organization and the former Chinese soldiers' terrorist presence in Inner Mongolia, one of Mongolia's bought territories. The money given to us is equivalent to 98,000,000,000 pesos.

Brunei's governor-general and I agreed to use all of our assets and exert our maximum force to eliminate the warmongers. We will trade resources and equipment with each other until the threats disappear."

My boss coughed in the middle of the conversation.

"For you two experienced and elite soldiers, this task is very easy for you. Your task is to infiltrate an terrorist outpost in Inner Mongolia."

       The holo projector projects a map 
floating in mid-air. The map showed the area where will the mission will take place.

   In the center is a compound that has been colored red. 300m south on the top of the map is our drop-ship. It is moving towards our designated landing zone, a yellow dot in 286m south of the compound.

"Also, extract the officer in charge in the outpost, avoid killing the target. Use whatever methods necessary."

"Good luck, Alpha Wolf out."

The screen went black.

"What is our assigned call-signs again?" my brother asked.

"My codename is Reaper and your codename is Phantom." I answered.

" Cool."

  The drop-ship's doors open slowly. The air rushed into the hover-plane.
We rushed out of the the plane and dropped out 7000m above the landing zone.

  A moment later, my brother deployed his parachute mid-air. Meanwhile I don't need to.

My artificial legs absorbed the impact.

"Are you in position?" I asked my brother by talking in the receiver attached to my ear.

"Yes." my younger brother replied.

"Standby and wait for orders." I ordered.

"Yes sir." my brother replied.

"Don't call me sir." I replied.


I wore my gas mask and I activated my ECHO sensor and my Invisibility pack. I detected 55 people, 5 jeeps and 2 tanks. I ran to the outpost with superhuman speed thanks to my artificial legs.

  Miles later, I had arrived at the outpost. The terrorist in the guard tower is asleep, so I decided to climb the guard tower. Inside the guard tower is the guard, sleeping on his chair and a desk with a radio, handgun, sniper rifle and a magazine. So I decided to see the contents of the magazine.


  Then I rolled the magazine in a cylinder and I bring it with me. I proceed to my mission. I snuck in a building full of guns and ammo. The targets not here.

I snuck through another building but there are many guards praying to a shrine dedicated to Buddha. So I decided to send them to Nirvana or whatever they call their Buddhist heaven, In other words, slicing their bodies in half instantly with my combat knives.

  I notice that there are stairs to another floor on the building, so I activated my ECHO sensors, I detected just 2 people in a corridor and 1 person in a room. So I walked casually up the stairs and I said:


The terrorists were shocked.

Then they tried to alert the rest but I interrupted by spinning towards them and slicing them in half like some kind of over the top action scene.

"Sorry for interrupting."

The soldier in the room screamed like a girl that I almost laughed. I assume he is the officer in charge. So I proceed to shoot him with my shotgun using a tranquilizer sabot round. He fell on a dead body.

I got to his room and I saw wine and vodka,boxes of them. I decided to call High Command.

"Yo boss? Along with our target can we have loads of wine and vodka?" I asked, even if I know he will get the boxes in a heartbeat.

"How many?"he asked.


"We are going wild tonight!" He screamed.

Soldiers can have a little fun, don't we?

  By little,I mean getting knocked out in the morning, violating operational protocols, then the enemies spotting us with our pants down with empty bottles of vodka on the floor.

"Clear the area, the hover-plane will land here, we will interrogate the target after the party."

I called my brother.

"Clear the area. Leave no survivors."

I sat at the chair and I poured myself a glass of wine while watching the explosions and the mayhem my brother's payload rifle had made.

Mission accomplished.

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