Chapter 55: Betrayal

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  "Did I get out of control again?" I asked, waking up from slumber, wondering what happened.

"Yes." Doc answered from the front seat.

  I leaned beside the window of the jeep I'm in. I heard the bombardment of raindrops on the roof of the vehicle. I stared blankly outside the window, sprinkled with drops of water, wondering what happened.

  Only the sounds of rain cleared my mind; it gave me peace amidst gunfire and after conflict.

  I opened the window with the push of a button, smelling the strangely euphoric scent of rain.

  I enjoyed this brief but peaceful moment, while I can.

  Hours later, the skies cleared. The sun shone on the glistening plants and muddy ground.

   We drove by the metal warning sign saying:For safety and security reasons:Do not enter. This is private property. Trespassers will be shot on sight.

   This must be the alternate road to the main base of operations.

"What happened?" I asked, curious.

"You slughthered and ate the enemies infiltrating the secret lab." he hesitatingly answered. "Professor X went missing after that."

"I ate them?" I asked, not believing in his answer.

"Yes." He confirmed. What I have done?

"How?" I asked, still shocked.

"I don't know either." He shrugged his shoulders.We only have listed a side effect of using your nanomachines, you went insane. Turns out eating people makes your nanomachines more potent."

"What?" My mouth remained open in shock. How I am supposed to believe this?

"I never expected to be this bad. I never expected to have cannibalism on the list." He stated. "At least we implanted a nanomachine supressor system inside your body incase of that."

  I stared at him blankly, still surprised.We stopped in front of the walls of the company's walled city. The metal gates opened.

  We were greeted with rioting people, civilians and retired soldiers alike behind the metal barricades set up by our own military police stationed at our own city. I saw my name at one of the signs.

  How quaint. They want my head on a stick, while I just followed my orders like a good soldier. Am I innocent? Of course not. Nobody is innocent in this world anymore anyway.

  We drove out of the walled city and we drove, later arriving at the Fortress.

"Well, I'm not coming. I'm not a commander." He announced."I'm just a lowly scientist for hire. I'm just here to make sure that you are okay."

"Thanks Doc." I appreciated. I noticed that people as thoughtful as him did not get recognized for their kind actions. I did what I can.

    I left the jeep. The jeep drove out of the compound. I noticed that the concrete castle have grown larger; more castle-like than usual. Instead of one tower, it is now five, with additional parapets.

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