Chapter 34: Setup

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   I woke up inside a van.

"Where I'm I?" I asked to myself.

"Going to your family." Echo answered.

"What about you? What if the mercenaries disguised as pilots and flight attendants saw you?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm good at lying." She reassured.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You went out of control, so Doctor shot you with a specialized tranquilizer dart." She explained.

"Oh." I blurted.

"Don't worry, you will meet your family again." she comforted. I saw the tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She sniffled. "I just remembered how my family died years ago. They died in a hover-car crash when I was 5 years old. You reminded me of how I missed my family."

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Its okay. Don't comfort me. It will only make it worse." she replied.

   We drove to the Osaka International Airport. The company's transport hover-jet is already here. We walked to the jet. The doors opened, a staircase opened with the doors. We walked up to the inside of the jet.

"Who is that? Only authorized personnel is allowed." a flight attendant questioned.

"His assistant." Echo answered.

"And I'm his girlfriend." the flight attendant answered sarcastically. "Get out, no unauthorized personnel allowed." she demanded.

"Here's the papers." Echo announced. She gave the flight attendant a brown envelope. The flight attendant looked annoyed.

   How did she get that set of documents?

"Why you asking me, Jacky?" A malicious voice asked annoyingly.

"Now who the fuck are you?!" I shouted.

"Your alter ego, idiot." He answered.

"Are you okay?" Echo asked me from the plane's stairs.

"Aren't you gonna bang her?" It asked.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I answered loudly from afar. The loud whirring of the jets makes her harder to hear.

"I have a wife to come back to, you know?" I talked to the strange voice in my head.

"Its fine if she doesn't know, right, Jackieboy?" He mocked me.

  Shut up, away with you already!

"I'm your subconcious, you know. You cant get rid of me. I'm you, and you are me. I'm the only reason that you're not in a mental hospital right now, Jack." It scolded.

  Hey, wait! I can feel it disappearing. But I know it will come back sooner or later, ready to ruin my day.

   We sat on one of the seats in the jet. The jet ascended upward to the skies. The flight attendant earlier gave us a plate of mushroom soup with chicken and mashed potato.

   Even if the food looks and smells delicious, no dish can beat the divine deliciousness of my favorite dish, spicy instant noodles and corned beef mixed with rice.

   Also, my boss is trying to kill me right now, so I suspected that the food is now poisonous.

   The flight attendant left. The surroundings silent.

   I heard the cocking of many guns on my back.

"Go." Echo whispered.

   I activated my pair of cybernetic legs, the outline of the other parts were glowing blue. The engines in my legs whirred.

"Activate." I whispered.

My reflexes sharpened. Time seemingly slowed.

   I ran at only Mach 1. I charged at the three flight attendants, each of them with suppressed submachine guns. I disarmed the one in the middle, the one earlier and I tried to strangle her.

The other two pointed their guns at me.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted. But I know what they're up to.

"Assassinating you!" one of them answered.

"You know the drill, Jacky. Kill them all." He appeared again.

Oh shut up.

"No can do." He said.

   I heard a creak at the door to the jet's cockpit. I turned my head in that direction. The pilots are holding their suppressed submachine guns. They froze in shock, because I spotted them so quickly.

"Why?" I questioned.

   They aimed their submachine guns on me.

"Because Boss suspected that you got your memories back when you came here." one of the flight attendant answered.

"I only remember that after my service in the Philippine Army, I have been employed to the Sons of War." I lied.

  "False alarm!" the flight attendant that I tried to strangle with her own suppressed submachine gun shouting to someone in her Holo.

   I let go of her and I stepped backwards.

"Sorry for that mistake. Lets forget it happened." she apologized.

   She took out a gas mask-like device connected to a cyan colored canister. She forcibly put it on my mouth, filing my nostrils and my mouth with an unknown gas.

"This seems nice." The voice in my head complimented.

   Oh shut up. Now I would have to live with you?

Of course.

Fuck you.

Love you too.

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