Chapter 13: A (not so) Warm Welcome

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    I woke up in my hotel room. The suitcase with 1 million pesos worth of cash inside is beside my bed. The sun is already up. I looked at my Holo's HUD. The time is 9:10am. A message notification popped on my HUD. My boss send the message.

" The cargo hover-plane is here in the national airport. Give me the signal when the plane can fly in the rebel secret camp."


"Understood. ETA 5hrs."

   Oh, I almost forgot, we will sell the weapons to the Egyptian Liberation Front. Business as usual.

    I got dressed and I got out of my hotel room. I walked to the glass elevator and I descended to the hotels atrium. I walked to the hotel's buffet restaurant. My breakfast consists of  seven meals and ten glasses of iced-tea.

Later, after my stomach is full, a message notification suddenly appeared on my Holo. Vince messaged me.

Where are you? The rebels are waiting for us!

Chill, we are just one minute late when we get there.

They are gonna kill us if we don't sell the weapon caches!

Then I will kill them and get the money. We all win.

Just hurry!!


    Don't worry Vince. Its just one minute.

    I walked to the glass elevator, and I walk to my room and I changed to my suit and tie and I descended down by elevator to the atrium and walked to the reception area.

   Vince is waiting for me with an visibly annoyed face; with crossed, flabby arms

"Lets go." I uttered.

   We walked to the float-car; only richer countries than this dictator-ruled dump, have those. Our float-car is one of the few owned in the country. We hovered around the heavily guarded city streets to the outside of the city wall.

   The guard drones granted us passage to the outside of the city and gave us an rifle with few gun mags for protection against bandits during the trip.

When a robot gives you a rifle before traveling to another city, that shows how dangerous the country has become.

   We drove through the highway, we passed many villages during the trip. Men, women, and children held their faces in awe as we passed them. They clearly have not seen a float-car in their lifetime, until now.

   An hour later, we passed destroyed military bases and burned villages. The work of the rebels who will buy our weapons. We raised the rebel flag on our car to avoid rebels attacking us.

We saw members of the rebel insurgent group shooting villagers running away. We passed poles full of people tied up and butchered to rot on the side of the highway. I saw 10 women getting raped by 20 insurgents. Apes, as I like to call them.

Egyptian Liberation Front.

A rightful cause with the wrong people.

   In perspective, the present Egyptian tyrannic government and the Egyptian Liberation Front are both sides that I will not support if they don't have sufficient money to pay us.

  We arrived at their camp. I walked to their camp, while Vince sat in the float-car. The base is a captured military base, with makeshift fortifications on the partially destroyed base. The blast-gates were replaced by makeshift gates.

    The makeshift gates opens slowly. A Egyptian man with a military-grade, gray Warrior-power armor, walked slowly in the midst of the other rebels. They look small compared to the giant.

  As the giant moved closer I saw his hairy deformed face.

He approached me.

" PUNY MERCENARY!! WHERE ARE THE WEAPON BOXES?" he bellowed in a deep voice.


I stepped 5 steps back.

The weapon cargo container fell in front of the giant.


I clenched my fists. I hate it when people call me small. As if I don't know that i'm 5.5ft tall already.

He climbed the cargo container.


He jumped down and he smashed the road with his armored iron fist.

"Iron!" Somebody shouted.

A little girl walked out of the midst of the rebels watching us.

"Bad, Iron, Bad! Now go and face the wall!"

"Sorry mum." he said, like a five-year old.

The armored giant walked to the rebel camp defensive wall and stood there, facing the wall.

"Sorry about that,he doesn't know how to welcome people." The girl apologized.

"Umm..." I was surprised. This is unexpected. By far the weirdest thing that I ever seen in my career, and I have seen a lot of weird things in my career.

"Well, by the look on your face, you never seen a 14-year old rebel tame a 8-foot tall mutant."

"Well, I have never seen a mutant outside the Dead Zones before."

"Well, I'm Alice, I'm the most friendliest person in this movement, so you're lucky to meet me. But I will still kill you if you do something bad here."

"Oh.I'm Jack." I blurted out.

"You look surprisingly intimidating for a weapons dealer. By the way, nice legs." She jesters.

  I looked down on my sandy, battle-ready cybernetic legs.

"Thanks." I thanked.

" Lets get going."she gestured to the gates.

We walked to the rebel base's gates.

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