Chapter 3: Interrogation

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   I woke up in the morning. I feel dizzy and my head hurts. What happened last night? Its a long time since I last drank that many amounts of alcohol.

    The room is messy, there is trash everywhere. I need water. I grabbed a glass of water on the floor. I feel a little bit better. I opened the room door and I saw my brother outside. Then I pulled him inside the room and I carried him to the bed.

  I fondly remembered when I was 14 and he was 8 then, I used to carry him to bed when he was asleep at the couch.

  Back then, life is just a game. I find it funny that now I'm carrying him to his bed, the only difference is I'm now 30, my brother is 24 and drunk and he is asleep at the front of our apartment unit in a PMC's base. Then I puke at our bathroom toilet and I collapsed.

I woke up at the base's infirmary. My boss is beside the infirmary's bed.

"Get to work!"

"Can I have 5 minutes of sleep please?"


"Fine." I moaned. I can remember that he had gobbled down more shots than me, but how can he stay fine and sober after all that drinking.

I rise up from the infirmary bed and I got to the apartment to my apartment unit and I clean myself up. In the mirror I noticed my beard has grown longer than before.

Then I changed clothes, wore my uniform and rode the company's jeep to the company's prison building and traveled down the building's basement to my "very special little room," or my personal favorite room, the Torture Room.

  During these war-torn years, I seem to enjoy the things that people shouldn't enjoy:killing and torture.

  Enjoying my violent vocation helped me cope with this life, and to forget about the past.

  As I stood in front of my room I wore my surgical gloves and my bloodstained lab coat.

  I smiled with a unsettling demeanor, my eyes twinkling with bloodlust.

"He has been softened, by the previous interrogators,so it should be easy to break him now and you can do what ever you want to him." my boss ordered."Begin the "interrogation." my boss ordered."And here is the information so far."

He handed me a clipboard containing paper full of information about him. He walked away and entered a room that is connected to my room by a one way mirror.

"My utmost pleasure."

I opened the door.

"Hello."I smiled.

The room was filled with tables and drawers full of my "tools." At the back is a tub of water with a unused mop scattered on the floor. Looks like I forgot to clean the room again after my last victim.

Sad, he had to be taken away. He'd put up a good fight though. I like breaking people like that. I loved to see how their loyalty will do anything to save them.

I wish my upcoming guest will do something better than the last one.

At the center is the person who I will interrogate tied on my electric chair with lights above it and my table and chair beside it.

I walked to my cabinet full of containers full of different bugs, vials full of various poisons, truth serums, and syringes. Then I eyed a handful of these to see what I will use later.

The man is very Oriental looking and chubby, His sweaty head is shaven. Obviously he one of the terrorists. His posture is now displaying submissiveness, and a blank dreary  expression on his face; a sign that he was about to break.

   I looked on the details on the clipboard. He had been transferred to 5 different locations in a span of 5 months; a month per 1 set of interrogation sessions.

   It might take a little effort to break him now. How disappointing.

   When he caught sight of me, I'm sure that he was scared shitless. I sadistically smiled with that thought.

   "Im in a good mood right now, so I will ask nicely, Do you speak English?" I asked, smiling.

"A little."

He is shaking and sweating uncontrollably.

"Good, what is your name and rank?"

No response.

I pulled a surgical knife from a metal tray on a small bloodied table.I stabbed his middle finger. Blood sprinkled on my glove.

I like those cries of pain. Every prisoner that I torture has different pleas for help and screams of pain.
This one has a croak on his voice, like he'd screamed for a hour before I got here.

He screamed, with expressive tears from his terrified eyes.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ouch....."he exclaimed.

" Again, what is your name?"

He pants uncontrollably.His eyes are shifting from left to right.

" Lee Li. Colonel ."

I laughed at the ridiculousness of his name. East Asian names are so funny sometimes.

" How did your terrorist organization got all of those hi-tech equipment?" I forcefully asked again.

Again, no response. How disappointing.

He screamed again, this time, even louder.

"If you don't want me to stab all of your fingers, then answer my questions or Ill put a centipede inside your nostril!"I yelled.

I casually stood up from my chair and picked one of the jar of live bugs from the wooden shelves at the sides of the room.I showed him my jar of centipedes.

The man squirmed.

"An organization funded us." he weakly uttered.


" They called themselves RavenClaw!"

"Interesting, tell me more."I walked to my chair and I sat. I hunched over to him; my eyes staring into his.

"Thats all I know!"

I place my hand slowly on his remaining fingers.

"They gave us many tanks, trucks, jeeps, guns, ammo, and big robots! They also plan other undercover officers to meet with the Red Army at their base in Russia! Thats all I know!"he cried.

"Im getting tired of this, thank you."I told him.

I left the room.

"Boss? Did you hear that?"

"Yes, we will discuss this important matter tomorrow. Update your brother and stepbrother about this."

"See ya tomorrow Boss." I said."What will you do to him?"

"Let him stay here for a while."he told me."Pack your bags on our trip tomorrow."

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