Chapter 56: Planning

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    I entered the gates of the concrete castle, after the untimely death of three great men during a meeting.

   I wish I could have done more yesterday to prevent their demise, but loyalty is the most important quality I have during these dire times.

    Boss started executing the staggering number of a thousand people who were accused of treason and desertion on the streets of our private city. The roads are flooded in blood, the corpses are now being cleaned at the gutters. Martial law has recently been implemented as of now.

    The families of the victims must be terrified right now, hiding in their homes, hoping that they will not be next in line in the summary executions frequently happening in their neighborhood.

    I'm certainly sure that no one will leave, or they want to leave desperately, more than ever.

I have no time to find a way to get out of here, because of the tight schedule ahead.

     I entered the castle itself and ascended to the uppermost floor, the place where we will be continue the meeting.

    The elevator opens its doors and I walked in the room.I sat beside my brother. Four seats were empty. By now four men yesterday are burning in the furnaces, and Boss is searching for potential people to replace the empty seats. The other leaders around me looked either tense, or grim, or even a mixture of both, including my brother.

    I rested my elbow on the table, with my cheek resting on my right hand.

    A hologram of a map abruptly appeared, floating on the table. My arm reflexively backed away.

"Let's start the meeting." Boss announced, from the head chair. " To continue our meeting, I announced that the development of Project Absolute Contingency is complete." He added. "Let's give our R&D branch a hand!"

    They clapped, but their face showed reluctance because of what happened yesterday, even as far as showing forced smiles.

"Our M.I.L.Es have been complete, fitted with Global Strike missiles, more faster and accurate than ICBMs. We have built Interceptor bases in less than one year. Some of our ships, submarines, aerial ships and our Orbital Strike weaponized satellite systems are fitted with these hypersonic ballistic cruise missiles. You can say that we are ready for total war." Boss announced "But at a heavy price of 20 billion credits."

"You can say that we have a 'M.I.L.Estone.' Get it?" my brother whispered a pun in my ear.

   I'm amazed at my brother at his ability to make bad puns in very dire situations. How?

"Ha." I sarcastically laughed.

"Our satellites show our bases that have defected or captured by the enemy." He boomed. "We have been surrounded and cut off from our bases in South America, North Africa and the Middle Arabian Commonwealths. Our supply lines are dropping like flies, even if the GM troops protected it and disguised it as international trading routes.What is now our plan?" Boss asked.

    The commanders suggested many possible answers, even a scorched earth policy and mutually assured destruction policy.

   But there is no one who suggested a viable way to get communications back online. That should be the first priority before going into the offensive. Its like going into a maze, with a blindfold on.

     Next is eliminating the enemies surrounding our cluster of bases in the Philippine Special Administrative State.

   Third priority is getting our supply lines back or making new ones. Fourth priority is to liberate our bases. Fifth priority is gathering information from the enemy.

  Last priority is to destroy the enemy as efficiently as possible.

    My mental gears started working.
A metaphoric lightbulb shone inside my brain.

   I now have viable solutions for for the first and second priority.

"Maybe we should hire professional technicians from Sibyl or Iris Communications to fix our communications on our relay bases, then once we have comms online, we can coordinate from the other surrounded bases, and command them to bomb the enemies surrounding them with Global Strike missiles. We will do this to the enemy surrounding us now." I explained. The commander suddenly listened to me. The others started calming down.

    Boss started to think; scratching his chin. He knows that I'm a bad strategist; I have a history of bad planning. In every five losses, there is one victory when I'm in charge.

   The mercenaries in my command didn't trust me. Hell, I didn't trust myself anymore. How did I get in this position anyway?

"That is the first time that you have a solid, effective plan." Boss remarked."Good job. Any more?"

"No, I don't have the answers for the problems of the supply lines, liberating our captured bases, gathering information and defeating the enemy."

"Okay, then." He accepted."Any more?"

     The commanders continued giving suggestions and arguing with each other. Finally, after hours of arguing we have a plan.

   We started planning for our first offensive. After my plan, the commanders planned a route unseen by the enemy to transport the technicians to the captured relay bases.

    Then, we planned on where we will strike the enemy surrounding us. We will bomb them with Philippinium tipped Global Strike missiles. We can destroy as much as we want to because the GA is our ally, they can allow us to destroy as necessary, and can cover it up like nothing happened.

   Then, we will liberate our bases captured by the enemy one-by-one by initiating proxy battles using the terrorist organization we've funded.

   Then we will gather information by using different methods of intel gathering to the enemy to know the answers to defeat them.

"Our plan is complete." Boss announced. "Now, I will assign your position. Since Jack gave the idea of hiring technicians to repair our comms, he should be in charge in this phase of the operation." Boss assigned.

   Then Boss assigned the other commanders positions one-by-one.
Boss assigned my brother to command the Spartan Force in the region of Eurasia, which is a honorable position; their talents almost matched the Extreme Operations Unit in terms of overall success rates.

    Once the meeting is finished, my brother and I headed to our condominium to rest until tomorrow, starting our first move against the most powerful private superpower in the world.

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