Chapter 9: A Trip to Egypt

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     After a good long rest, I do my daily routine. I forgot my brother is in the infirmary. I changed my clothes to my usual company-approved tan uniform. I opened the door and I traveled from the bunker's living quarters to the infirmary.

    I noticed that there are many personnel repairing the damage from the battle yesterday. I rushed to the infirmary door and I opened it hurriedly. The infirmary is full of people who had been injured from the battle. Some have different prosthetic body parts. Some are still unconscious. I searched for my brother. He is not here. My boss walked in the infirmary.

"Where is my brother?"

"He is on a mission with our Expeditionary Corps."

"Don't worry, your brothers are leading the Expeditionary  Corps."

"What is the mission?"

"To invade 5 of the major RavenClaw strongholds in Russia. So far they conquered 4 out of 5 bases in 20hrs. Impressive job."

"So I will stay here?"

"Yes, but later, you and your brother will go to Egypt to do business. Both the tyrannic government and the Egyptian Liberators paid us a huge amount of money to fight their war."

"Did they know that they both paid us?"

"No, one of the advantages of a private military contracting organization is we don't have a cause or a side to fight for. The cause we fight for is money. But your younger brother does not realize that. He is still naive. He thinks that there is a cause to fight for, but we are mercenaries, our cause is money. As his older brother, guide him in our manner of business,okay?

"I do whatever I can boss."

"A government official in the tyrannic dictatorship of the Egyptian government hired you, your brother, and Vince Miguel, our finance manager. He is in Egypt now, waiting for you two. He is on room 2267 at the Desert Jewel hotel. Your room is room 2269 and your brother's room is 2270. Your job is to be bodyguards of Ammon Calvin. He is the Secretary of Homeland Security. Guard his trip to out of the hotel to check on the secret communications center out of Cairo to an unknown location. You are beside him in his armored golden limousine, while your brother is on his dropship looking for potential threats and sniping them from above. Then after that, the following day you go to a secret location they give you and you "request" the equipment they bought, then you demonstrate the equipment. Understood?"

"Sounds easy."

My boss' Holo rings. He answered the call.

"Hello...yes...understood...100 dead...... Excellent job!.. Over." I overheard the conversation.

"Great news! They succeeded! New Russia is now in our control. There is no business competition now!" He rejoiced.

"Now the bad news is.." I suddenly uttered.

He hums,"The bad news is 100 great mercenaries lost their lives. Your brother-"

"He's dead?" I spontaneously asked as soon as he mention my sibling. I'm now deathly worried about him.

"No, he is alright, except for his left eye.Right now his eye is being replaced to a cybernetic eye which is a Holo and a miniature ECHO sensor in itself, so he is more than alright." He reassured.

"Thank goodness." I sighed.

"They should be arriving soon so pack your bags and tell your sibling to pack his bags. Good luck chink."he called me by my old nickname back in college and in high school.

"Good luck also nigger." He smirked.

We both laughed uncontrollably on the infirmary. Some patients woke up from their rest.

"Just like old times." He reminisced.

"When life was simple." I added.

"When all we worried about was chasing grades and chasing girls." I humored.

"That was you. I only chased the money for my own electric guitar." He retaliated.

"Well, see you later then."

  I traveled to my room and I packed my bags. I waited for my brother in my room.

   Hours later, Me and my brother are in the company's luxury hover-plane, we took off to our journey to Egypt.

"So I'm a cyborg now, just like you."

"Technically, yes. but I'm more cyborg-like than you because I have two mechanical, super-fast legs."

"You're right. But my cybernetic eye is a Holo in itself. It has 100G internet speed! Think of the how many videos that I can download in 1 second!"

"Yes... videos..." I jokingly said.

"Then the eye has its own latest PathFinder advanced targeting system interface, GPS, a HD camera, a, DataTracer interface, and a ECHO sensor. in one eyeball! So I
need to use a scope in all of my sniper rifles and my payload rifle. Impressed?"

"Admittedly, yes."

"What's our mission?"

I hesitated. So I decided to send the recorded conversation from earlier.

"Here I send it to your Holo."


He listened carefully. He was not pleased. Then his expression changed into a expression of interest.

"So we gonna be bodyguards for a tyrant in a corrupt country?" He said angrily.

"Yes.." I answered weakly.

"Then we gonna help the good guys after we helped the bad guys?"

"Yes. Because they both paid the company. "

"What are we? Which side are we on?"

"There are no clear sides, we are simply mercenaries. We do the job we are paid for. No matter how good or bad the person who paid us we still do the given job, as long as we are paid fairly. In the world, there is no good or bad, its kill or be killed. By now you should understand that after all we have been through, we have fought in many wars since childhood. You should understand that."

   He stared at me with a disappointed expression. He stormed out of my room in the hoverplane.

   He will understand, sooner or later. I understand him. He was used to fight for our country, now he suddenly fights for money alone, all because of me.

  Then I slept on my bed, still thinking about many things; like tommorow.

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