Chapter 39: Global Intelligence Force

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     We accelerated through the rocky tunnel. Echo fell asleep on the leather chair.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Benham Island."Our headquarters is there." Zulu answered.

  After that the capsule exited the cavern,  we are traveling underwater inside a transparent tube, like a train inside a subway. I saw many kinds of coral and fish underwater. I even saw sharks passing over our vacuum tube.

  Then, I saw a silhouette of a mountain reaching the surface of the water. I realized that the mountain is a island.

  The island is surrounded by underwater military bases patrolled by submarines, underwater combat drones and mechs trudging on the seabed.

  Benham Island. The country's first and largest artificial island.

  Then, the tube turned towards the direction of the artificial island and we skimmed inside the glass vacuum tube.

  Then, we are nearby the underwater military bases surrounding the island.

"How can they not see us?" I asked.

"Because, the tube is covered by a layer of sand." Zulu explained.

"Oh, I thought that it is made of glass."

"Glass? Ordinary glass wont work in this depth including the high pressure vacuum that is used to move the capsule. You need Glasteel for that, for it to be truly transparent and can withstand pressure without using digital screens and Ultranium."

"Oh." I uttered.

  Then we entered underneath the island.

  We entered through a dark rock cave. Then we ascended up to a beige hotel reception-like area with a statue of a giant bronze weighing scale at the middle of the numerous rows of furniture that people are sitting on.

  At the top of the statue is a giant chandelier. At the back of the statue is a set of giant bronze doors. This place is gigantic.

"How is the giant bronze door practical?" I questioned.

"For emergencies? For decoration? I don't know either. All I know is its a elevator.I've only been here 3 years." Echo answered.

"Be grateful Jack. You're the only one of the new guys that Madame is interested in. She doesn't waste her time to come here in the Benham Island Branch of operations." Zulu warned.

"Madam? Who's that?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"The head of the Global Intelligence Force. I suppose I cant blame you. Only a select few knows the Global Alliance secret espionage branch. Our achievements are never recognized. No one ever thank us for saving the world many times. Its sad really. But thats is the rules." Zulu explained.

   Saving the world? How is letting others suffer is doing the world a favor? Then I realized that the ones born inside the confines of the allied states are brainwashed. Even if they traveled to another country, it has no effect.

  We walked to the reception counter, a female-looking synthetic is stationed behind the counter.

"Special meeting. Code unknown." Zulu whispered to the synthetic.

"Confirmed." the synthetic replied.

  We walked to the giant bronze doors. The empty beige room is as large as the doors. The floor slowly moved upward.

  Later, we arrived at a human-sized metal door. We opened it.

  Facing us is a large room with a round table with a giant hologram of the world and Holo-screens on front of each seats.

  Men and women in the seat wore formal clothes. The men wore suits and the women wore jumpers.

  An old lady in a blue jumper is silently examining me with her steely eyes from the front in the middle of all the men and women at the table.

"Echo, Zulu, you have been dismissed." the old lady croaked.

They got out of the room.

"Now, let me introduce myself. I'm the head of the Global Intelligence Force. You can call me Madame." the old lady croaked.

"Madam?" I asked.

"Madame." She highlighted the e in her codename.


"Its okay." She reaasured, clasping her hands."Now let me continue my introduction. You are here to work for us, but when we acquired your information on the IRIS database, we found out that you are the grandson of our best agent, codenamed Black. who disappeared 1 year ago."

"Wait. I thought Grandpa died 5 years ago?" I was dumbfounded.

"Thats what you thought. He faked his death. But now he is MIA. His last transmission is last found in the middle Sino-Russian Dead Zone. And thats why you are here."

"I don't even know that he was a agent! How I supo-"

"A good soldier does not question their commanding officer's orders. You should know that by now,because you are an ex-military person who became a mercenary and who is now becoming a agent." She sharply interrupted.

  I decided to shut up, as it does no good.

"Now, let me continue." She continued. Your first mission before you find your grandfather, is to infiltrate and acquire info from the ranks of the Holy Vatican Army on their ongoing 'Great Crusades' to liberate the majority of Europe from the United Islamic State. Some of our reports claimed that the Nordic-Scandanavian allied forces from the north of Sweden are reportedly to fight with the HVA. So be wary. Go home and do whatever you want. We will call you when it is time." Madame commanded.

"Yes ma'am." I answered politely.

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