Chapter 74: Exchange

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Later, my men reported that the one of the transport aircraft of the Global Alliance is arriving.

I stood up from my office chair. I gingerly held the micro-disk for a while and I dropped it in my pocket.

Much later, I met the passengers of the aircraft in one of the corridors with the data room I visited earlier.

Between the squad of heavily armed soldiers with the Global Military's signature violet helmets is the head of the Global Intelligence Force, Madame, wearing her signature blue work clothes.

I unholstered my pistol, but a hand suddenly appeared, holding my arm more tightly than a vise.

The arm belonged to Zulu, who suddenly appeared in front of me.

Before I knew it, I was flung into walls,creating holes in each impact.

I stood up from under the rubble and debris and I charged at him, but I was electrocuted by the bodyguards with their paralyzers.

I twitch repeatedly on the floor,unable to move.

Madame looked down on me, with her vicious blue eyes.

"You have seen the data,don't you?" she sarcastically asked.

I want to say something, but I'm still too paralyzed to even move a bit.

"Destroy the data room." she commanded her troops."Leave no stone unturned." she pointed at Data Room 5.

The violet-helmeted soldiers opened the door and lobbed all of their grenades in the room. They exploded, destroying the hardware inside.

They also got inside the obliterated room and placed a series of thermite charges, placed on every electronic device in the room. They detonated it and they burned with white-hot flames to make sure that all of the data is non-existent.

She approached me, my face inches away from her wrinkly feet.

"Remember, I'm in charge now." she warned.

She walked away from the room,along with her bodyguards.

When they'd left, I chuckled, because they didn't think that I have the data in the micro-disk.

My troops helped me get up from the concrete floor.

"Don't let them escape." I commanded them,pointing to the way where they came out.

They ran, weapons ready. I propped against the wall.

A moment later a person flew past me, crashing toward the end of the hallway.

Then, a squad had forcefully landed in the floor. Another one ran flew past me as fast as a bullet, tumbling to the ground.

I immediately know who did this.

"All units, don't let them escape!" I commanded through all base transmissions.

I heard the sounds of multiple sirens ringing throughout the place. Later, I heard gunfire and explosions.

I shuffled to my office as the escapees were being attacked.

Someone called me.

"The escapees escaped." one of my soldiers reported."I'm the only one who survived."

I was definitely shocked. How can a small group of people destroyed an entire battalion?

Then, I realized that Zulu was with them. He has superhuman strength and speed the likes I never seen before.

To think that they have the capability to create a seemingly invincible human-like weapon; the Global Alliance is more dangerous than I could imagine.

Later my troops covered the bodies with cloth on the runway and they buried then into the sea. We solemnly saluted them,for they have sacrificed their own lives for the company.

I can't believe I let the men under my command die for nothing. I should know better than to come after them.

Later, I walked into my office. The lights turned on.

The phone ringed.

I walked to the phone and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hi." Johann answered."The rescue teams will arrive today." he reminded."Don't shoot us."

"Sure, but if you break my trust,we will make sure that you are dead." I warned."I can't lose any more of my men."

"The deal is set." he agreed."Bye.

The signal cut off. I announced to all of my troops to don't shoot any incoming vehicles unless they retaliate and to round up the prisoners on the runway.

I waited. Sometimes I think that why do I, a high ranking member of the Sons of War,lead my troops personally in the front lines?

I realized that I like to fight and die fighting. Dying while fighting is the more honorable way of death than to wait for it while in a stale hospital bed. I liked to put myself in dangerous situations because there is a chance that I will die.

I miss talking to my family and friends. The only family that I can talk to is my wife. I wish I can get a signal here in the Pacific Ocean.

Later, they arrived. I went to see what was going to happen. Transport hover-planes landed on the large runway.

The runway is so large that the planes looked like toys and people look like ants from here.

I view the exchange from one of the control towers of the fortress. The sun is setting on the never-ending horizon of the ocean.

So far they have not violated the promise.

I walked down to my room to prepare for tomorrow.

When I arrived, the door automatically opened and I jumped on the velvet-colored bed.

The room is surprisingly extremely luxurious for a military naval mobile base. Being the highest ranking mercenary here, I have the rights to have the most luxurious spoils of war.

I prepared myself for tomorrow's war-planning.

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