Chapter:1 Memories and Beginnings

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       I was in the battlefield of Harbin, Philippine Federation, in former China.

Commanding my troops of the "Death Division" or the Philippine Urban Warfare Division, one of the special forces divisions of our country.

   I remember the gunfire, explosions, and the shouts of enemy insurgents. I remember killing 100 of them with my pistol and 80 of them with my knives. I remember running to the enemy lines with my troops augmented superhuman speed and with overwhelming bloodlust, from the pills we gulped earlier.

Our mission is eliminate insurgents in the city area and support the allied troops in the area.

  We were accomplishing the mission effectively and successfully until something tore my leg off instantly.

   Then a hooded figure appeared in front of me. The troops accompanying me were instantly shot by the hooded figure.

   The hooded figure reloaded his weapon similar to a revolver but with a more larger and longer barrel with 6 large bullets. The hooded figure looked at me; something glowed red inside that hood, and then the figure proceeded to shoot my other leg.

  For a minute my body numbed with pain; I struggled to inject myself with anesthetic to lessen the pain. The hooded figure pointed the weapon at my face but was interrupted by a shot far away.

The hooded figure didn't budge and was holding a smoking projectile as long as my arm and then disappeared. Everything went black.

I was in a hospital bed, I was feeling dizzy. I cannot focus, everything was moving, then everything went black. I remember that I woke up in a room. I looked through the window, It was snowing outside. I can see a streetlight glowing in the winter, Its light glowed warmly against the cold background.

  Its the only thing I see outside. Then beside me is my brother and a man with a gas mask in the shape of a wolf. Is this real.

  I remember that he said that everyone I love think that I was dead and it must remain that way to avoid "extra casualties". The man said that I was in a coma for 2 months and my legs were replaced with artificial ones.

Then I signed a contract with the man. My brother smiled.

       I woke up on my bunk bed, it was a dream. I noticed that my younger brother has left our room and had gone to the mess hall and forgot to fix his bed, as always. I do my daily routine, I fixed my bed and his bed, then I go to the bathroom.

     After that, I change to my uniform and traveled from our room in the apartment to the mess hall.  I sat with my brother, stepbrother, my best friend since high-school, who is also the owner of this company, and one of our top officers Vince Miguel.

We sat and ate the food that was present in the executive's table. Then after that the other mercenaries had gone to training but my best friend/boss asked us to go with him to the Research and Development wing of our forward operating base.

      We had arrived at the R&D wing of our FOB. As always, our lead scientist and inventor,Dr. Raul Reinhardt is tinkering something. "

Wheres is the gear I'd ordered!"

"Oh wait there it is!" he said in a German accent and points  to a table below a flag of former Germany pinned to the wall and a poster that says: "Es lebe Deutschland"          

The table was full of weapons and equipment.  My younger brother grabbed a R.R Mk II Supercharged Semi-Automatic Magnetic Light Payload Rifle(SSAMLPR) and he caressed the rifle's barrel casing and hugged the payload rifle, "Thank you!" he shouted.

" It is my pleasure to invent and develop weapons of destruction for you."  while he had a tear of joy in his left eye.

  The scene is so out of place and comical that I thought I was still asleep, with drugs still in my bloodstream.

Then my brother grabbed a SMG, smoke grenades, smart grenades and throwable mines.

Meanwhile, I grabbed a suppressed semi auto shotgun, remote-detonated explosive throwing knives and two Combat supercharged-plasma blades then I set my artificial feet to Combat mode. Then my brother wore a Exo-Suit while I wore my usual stealth suit with the Philippinium-powered Invisibility-Pack. Then we were off to the base's airfield.

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