Homecoming Parade

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Oh my gosh. Yesterday was so freaking stressful.

It all really started in 5th period, aka Spanish. I should explain that there are only two sophomores in that class- me and my friend Kayla- and the rest of the class is made up of noisy, obnoxious juniors and seniors. That class had been miserable for me throughout my six weeks of being in it. We get nothing done, they give me a headache, the room always smells like smoke, and I don't learn anything.

Yesterday, I was already done as I usually am when I come from that class. When I went out to meet my friends Camila and Brooke after school, they scared me playfully. Which, honestly, was funny and cute. But I was a total jerk because I was in a bad mood. ☹ They're understanding, though. I think they knew something was up...

After that, I went to meet with my student council people as I have for like weeks now. In the span of an hour, we had to assemble our float for the homecoming parade and eat pizza. That doesn't sound too hard, but let me just say that I've never eaten pizza so fast in my life.

We barely got done in time, but we made it onto the bus by 4 as planned. The Valley High band took 20 minutes to get on the bus, which was pretty good with all the instruments. This one guy had this big tuba thing I think it's called, and it was huge.

On the way to the church where the parade would start, the guys in the bus were singing different songs. The ones I remember were We Are The Champions (if that isn't the actual name, then I'm sorry), Spongebob Squarepants theme, Pokémon theme, and my favorite-the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic theme.

I sang along, honestly.

We got to the church and stood there with our float for like 30 minutes. It was really sunny and the temperature was 80 degrees. It was so hot, and my feet were tired before the parade even started.

We walked like 3 miles, throwing candy at kids and waving. In case you didn't see that, we walked 3 miles. I have never walked so much in my life.

I have a blister on my foot and my left leg hurts. I'm fine though. It was okay; my school spirit is amped up for today.

Speaking of which, today is the pep rally, the homecoming game, and the homecoming dance. I'm still going with Camila, and she's still coming home with me after school. I might update later, I might not.

If you're sad that I'm so worn out from the parade, you go Glen Coco. ☻


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