Jasmine: "My goodness, this place is gorgeous." I was in awe and King Laurent gave a soft click of approval with his tongue. We walked without saying much, King Laurent leading the way. I watched as numerous caretakers and gardeners were trimming and watering the gardens. It smelled wonderful, like a mixture of the purest perfumes.

King Laurent: "Soon, we will be coming upon my favorite place, but first let's take a rest on the bench shall we?" I agreed, the slippers starting to kill me and irritating the healing wounds on my legs from back in the forest.

King Laurent: "Soon, we will be coming upon my favorite place, but first let's take a rest on the bench shall we?" I agreed, the slippers starting to kill me and irritating the healing wounds on my legs from back in the forest

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As we sat closely since the bench was only so big, all my attention was on the plant life. I softly played with a purple tulip next to the bench, careful not rip its petals. I gave King Laurent a glance and his eyes were closed, enjoying the tranquil peace of it all. A smile crept upon my lips and I briefly wondered if this was how life could be. I squashed that thought just as quickly as it came. I had to get to London, that was the only end to this scenario.

Jasmine: "Excuse me King Laurent, but have you decided on my terms about helping you?" He opened his eyes slowly, a bit annoyed at his peace being disturbed.

King Laurent: "Yes I have Miss Jasmine, and I decided that I will agree to your terms. All I need is for you to tell me of how to reach them and I will do so. In return, I expect within the week to start the search for my Queen. Is that acceptable?"


Why did I think that?

Jasmine: "Of course King Laurent, I will not renege on what I promised to do in return Your Majesty. You have my word." I peeked up at him, his expression now distant.

King Laurent: "Words mean nothing in my world Miss Jasmine, only actions. But I will take your word for it just this once, since you could've tried to run away but you haven't."

Jasmine: "Well King Laurent, actually there is another condition to me helping you. You see... The woman who found me in the woods, Ms.Betty, she had been trying to talk to you and King Larry about poachers in the forest. I was wondering if maybe you could help her out?" King Laurent played with his chin hair in thought, that seemed to be a habit of his I noticed.

King Laurent: "Sounds reasonable after all, she is of my kingdom. I will look into it." I gave him a big smile, grateful to his kind attitude at the moment.

King Laurent: "Come along now, I wish to get to my special spot." His voice was clipped again. Ah and there was the cold half. He stood up and I had a bit of difficulty standing. I didn't realize how much the cuts from the crash still pained me. Why were they flaring up, did I do something? King Laurent noticed my gait and difficulty. He took my hand gently, being mindful of the way I was standing.

King Laurent: "Are you okay Miss Jasmine?" Concern laced his tone.

Jasmine: "Ah yes, I apologize King Laurent. I had suffered many gashes from the plane crash and I had monetarily forgotten them since they haven't hurt. But now they seem to be acting up. But I am fine Your Majesty." King Laurent gave me a skeptical gaze but took my word on it. I didn't miss the fact that he was walking much slower than before, allowing my legs more time to rest as we walked. There was the kind side. Goodness, I was going to have a bad case of whiplash with this man.

As we went deeper into the gardens, trees of various natures were starting o surround us. Lord, how far did these gardens go? I didn't think I could be amazed any longer until we came to a bridge and I fell in love again.

 Lord, how far did these gardens go? I didn't think I could be amazed any longer until we came to a bridge and I fell in love again

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There was a Koi lake. Not a pond, but a lake. I could feel my excitement at the beautiful fish overflowing. I rushed ahead to the middle of the bridge as quick as my slight limp would take me. I stared at the beautiful carps, whom just like the plant life, varied in color.

Jasmine: "My goodness King Laurent, this place is breathtaking. I never seen such beauty in one place." A giggle rose up from my throat, I felt like an excited child.

King Laurent: "I'm glad you enjoy it. After all, I don't bring many out here. It is special to me and I figured I would bring my Princess out here. That fact that you enjoy it is a pleasure."
I didn't really know what to say to that. He sounded so earnest. I caught a glimpse of two figures in the distant. It looked like Kyanna and King Larry. I smiled, hoping she was also enjoying herself.

Jasmine: "King Laurent, what happens if we do find Queen Jessica?" He looked a little caught of guard by the question but answered.

King Laurent: "Then I send you on your way to London, and call off this Court Game. It will be null and void."
I tried so hard not to but I felt my heart drop at his sentence.

Jasmine: "I figured as much. I suppose you will be happy then."

King Laurent: "Will you Miss Jasmine?" He looked me straight in my eyes while asking. I took a gulp, feeling cornered. He took a step closer to me, his head inclining towards mine. For a moment, I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to know if the wayward emotions I was feeling held any truth to them, to see if electricity would spark between us. Then I remembered that this was nothing but a game to him.

Jasmine: "Yes, I will be happy. I'll be away from here."


Pfft my love don't easy damnit -.-

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