A groan passed my lips as the incessant sound of my alarm met my ears. Getting up early is definitely not something I missed about going to school. Dragging myself out of bed, I quickly got dress and ready for the day. Mid-way through brushing my teeth, Sasuke nearly scared me to death as he appeared in the reflection in my mirror. He must have used the key he made himself. A smirk crossed his lips as he walked into the bathroom, pulling me into a kiss as soon as I rinsed my mouth out and spit into the sink.

"Minty." Sasuke's smirk widened as a light blush dusted my cheeks.

"Save it for later." A slight chuckle rumbled in the back of Sasuke's throat as I gently pushed him away from me.

"Are you ready to go?" I nodded, grabbing my backpack as we made our way to his car.

The school grounds were bustling with people and scared freshman trying to find their way around. Sasuke quickly pulled into a spot and parked the car. I've gotta say, I was a bit disappointed that Kiba, Lee and Naruto weren't there waiting for us like always. Thought, it's to be expected since it's the first day and everyone is rushing to get their schedules. Well, that and Lee graduated alongside Neji and Tenten so he won't be waiting for us in the morning anymore.

A slight smile crossed my lips as Sasuke and I walked, side by side, into the school heading for the gym. As usual, glares were aimed my way as I walked along with Sasuke, the hall erupting in whispers.

"No way. He's still dating her?"

"This is so not fair."

"She must be a good lay." My gaze lowered to the ground, trying my best to ignore their harsh words. Feeling another hand brush against mine, I raised my eyes to meet with Sasuke's dark pools. A small smirk crossed his lips as his hand engulfed mine as reassurance. A small smile crossed my lips as I squeezed his hand back, making me realize nothing they have to say matters.

Tables and lines of people filled the gym as we entered. Letters designating which tables had what last names hung above the tables causing Sasuke and I to separate to get our schedules.


"Naomi Fumo." The woman nodded s she began to look through her stack of papers. I watched her diligently as she flipped each paper before pulling out the one with my name on it. I gave her a soft smile and thanks as she handed it to me. Stepping out of line, I looked over my schedule for this year.

1st History- Asuma Sarutobi

2nd Home Economics- Kurenai Yuhi

3rd Sex Ed- Jiraiya


4th Economics- Iruka Umino

I was happy with my classes for the most part. The only one that got me a bit nervous was the Sex Ed class. Honestly, I have no idea what it's going to entail.

"Let me see your schedule." I jumped, slightly, at Sasuke's voice, not realizing he was beside me. Handing the paper over to Sasuke, I watched as his brow furrowed together as his eyes looked over the document.

"... We only have lunch together." A frown quickly settled on my lips as I glanced at Sasuke's schedule.

1st Organic Chemistry- Orochimaru

2nd Classic Lit- Kakashi Hatake

3rd Study Hall- Anko Mitarashi


4th History- Asuma Sarutobi

He was right. We were taking the same history class though we got it for different periods.

"Why are you taking Sex Ed?" A slight blush dawned on my cheeks as my gaze me with his.

"Y-Your mother suggested I take it..." Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction and a light dust of pink graced his cheeks.

"... Hn." He tried brushing it off, not wanting to dwell the topic further, as he handed me back my schedule. "We should get going before we're late." I gave him a slight nod, still a bit disappointed that we have no classes together.

Sasuke and I made our way out of the gym, walking together until we had to go our separate ways. His dark eyes longed over me as we stopped in the hall.

"I'll see you at lunch. Just come to the usual spot, ok?"

"Alright." A slight smirk crossed Sasuke's lips as he leaned in to place a kiss against my lips. A small hum of content passed my lips as his brushed against mine. His smirk widened as he pulled away, giving me one more goodbye as he ventured left down the hall while I went right.

I could feel a knot of nerves building in my stomach the closer I got to my classroom. I just hope I have at least one friendly face in there. Walking into the room, relief washed over my face as I saw Shikamaru sleeping on the desk in the back of the class with Hinata sitting beside him. A soft smile spread on her features as she noticed me, waving me over. I hastily made my way over to the sea next to hers, chatting with her until class started.

As always, it was just an introduction to the class as well as all of us introducing ourselves so the teacher could learn our names. Though, it seemed like he already knew Shikamaru pretty well.

The bell rang, ending class, and I made my way for second period. I made sure to cross reference with Shikamaru and Hinata to see if we had any more classes together but it was just first and lunch.

Stepping into the home ec room, my heart dropped seeing Sakura as the only person in the room I knew. I wasn't even sure if I should approach her or not... I felt my body jump, slightly, as her emerald gaze met with mine. I noticed her lips slightly purse before she motioned for me to come sit with her. I hesitantly approached her, sitting at the oak table beside her.

"Relax. I'm not going to do anything." I gave her a skeptical look. She hasn't been as mean to me as of late but that still didn't mean we got along. "I know Sasuke would be mad at me if I left you alone. So let's just put aside our differences for his sake, ok? Even though he's off the market he's still important to me." She gave me a small smile. Though, I was still hesitant to believe her. I guess I could give her the benefit of the doubt. I meant, being friendly with her would make my life a bit better.

"Ok." Her smile widened a fraction before our attention was brought to the teacher entering the room. Hopefully this doesn't come around to bite me in the butt.

The bell rang, ending the conversation over what projects and skills we wanted to learn throughout the year. Walking into third period, I began to panic as I looked around not noticing anyone I knew. Actually, it looked like the class mainly consisted of freshman.

"Mimi! Are you in this class?" I jumped at Naruto's booming voice behind me. Turning around, I saw a grin on his face as he stood in the doorway.

"Yeah. Are you taking it too?" His grin widened as I gave him hopeful eyes.

"No, I'm a student aid for Pervy Sage." Before I could reply a long, white, haired male came up behind Naruto and smacked him on the head.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" Naruto held his head in pain as he looked back at the man.

"Did you really have to hit me?" Naruto whined, a mock pout on his lips.

"Yes, especially when you're spouting your nonsense to such a pretty woman." Naruto rolled his blue eyes as the man's attention moved to me.

"Uh huh, right. Class is about to start so how about you get ready instead of messing with Mimi." He turned to give Naruto a slight glare. Though, the bell sounded signaling the start of class like Naruto said.

"Alright class, listen up!" I quickly made my way to an open seat as Naruto remained at the front of the room. "I'm Jiraiya and I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year. This little brat-"

"Hey!" Jiraiya ignored Naruto's outburst.

"-Over here is Naruto. He'll be helping out when I need it." He paused, looking over the whole class to see if anyone had any questions. A sly smile spread on his lips upon seeing no one raising their hands. "So, who's ready to learn about sex?" A blush quickly spread across my cheeks. This is going to be a long year...   

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