If Walls Could Talk to Spill the Lies

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Yes. I have had feelings for you for quite some time, even though I realized early on that you loved Brian."

"So why didn't you just tell me then that I was better and let me go?" I still couldn't understand why he would do this.

"I can't tell you why."

"What do you mean you can't tell me why?" The futility of this conversation was clear. "You know what? That's fine, because I am done with your bullshit for now. I am flying to Paris on the first flight I can get. When Brian and I come back, we are going to ruin your career at the very least. Goodbye Jackass!"

Now, I needed to get a flight. I decided not to tell Brian until at least the concert that day was over. I didn't want to distract him during the show and I knew he would be so angry it would hurt his performance.

Gwyn's POV

Only 3 days left and I hadn't made any progress with Brian. All he did was mope about missing Penny. Adam had failed, his time with Penny had run out with her now in Ohio." I needed to do something, something drastic.

My phone rang, it was Adam.

"What Adam?"

"She found out, she's on her way."

"How much does she know?"

"Just that I lied to her for months." He begged. "Please don't hurt her, Gwyn. You have to let this go."

"Good job. This is actually perfect; she will be here and discover her precious Brian in bed with me."

"How do you plan to do that? If he hasn't had any interest in sleeping with you?"

"I have ways. Penny will be fine, physically. Goodbye Adam."

Tonight, after the concert was time for drastic measures. I just had to hope it worked and Penny would arrive at the right time.

I knew Penny wouldn't want to tell him what was going on before the concert. So, I had time and he would be upset that she hadn't called him. She could text, but I doubted she would even want him to know she was on her way because he would worry about her flying here. She was so predictable; I was right about it all. During the concert, I set his phone to send her calls directly to voice mail and turned off all notifications. I was glad that I had figured out his passcode on his phone. It was easy, 7369 (PENZ). Barf. Once he was out of it later, I would just turn the phone off. I needed her to make it to the hotel unannounced.

Brian's POV

Only 3 days left, 2 more shows and I would finally go home to Penny. These months have been brutal. Worrying about and missing Penny the whole time and trying to be understanding about her relationship with that scumbag had taken a huge toll. Luckily Gwyn had backed off and we had become friends. Still, I had never been so ready for a tour to end.

Penny didn't call like she normally did before I had to go on stage. No matter what time it was in the states, we would talk. Since the Adam incident we had not missed many calls and we never missed the pre-show ones. I tried to call her, but she didn't answer.

Gwyn was lurking around me.

"Everything Okay?" She asked.

"Yes, everything is fine."

"It sucks Penny had to cut her visit to Ohio short." She said out of the blue.

"What are you talking about?"

"I was talking to Bianca on Messenger and she said Penny left town suddenly."

"Why?" Damn, I just gave away that I didn't know.

"Bianca said Penny was very secretive about it. She called and said she couldn't have dinner at their house, because she had to catch the first flight out.

Something about Adam, she must be on her way to California." You could see Gwyn waiting for my reaction after she said that.

"She must've had something medical come up." I grasped for a reason other than what I was really thinking.

"I guess, but why wouldn't she have told you and if it's that bad shouldn't she have gone to the hospital in Ohio right away?"

I had to get away from Gwyn and try to call Penny again, I also needed a beer and a stiff drink. Penny still didn't answer. She did text me back when I asked if she was okay. "I'm fine, just hanging out with my family. Can't talk right now. Knock them dead Junior. I love you."

I wasn't sure what was going on, why would she lie to me unless she had something to hide?

I drank a few more beers then switched to wine and then went on stage. I kept running scenarios in my mind of why she would lie to me and why she would all the sudden fly back because of Adam. I know I didn't play my best during the show, but the crowd didn't seem to notice.

Gwyn was at the side of the stage with a glass of wine every time I stepped to the side to grab one. I guzzled them down. By the end, I was well on my way to getting trashed. Gwyn seemed concerned. "Brian, maybe I should help you to the hotel and up to your room."

"I haven't had nearly enough yet to get these thoughts out of my head."

"You can drink more at the Hotel." She said. "I have some wine. I can grab it from my suite and bring it to yours."

"Sounds fucking good, if I can drink I don't care."

At the hotel, I drank even more. My vision started to blur along with everything else. I looked over at the door going into the bedroom and there she was.

"Surprise!" Penny was standing there in a purple lingerie.


She walked over and straddled my lap kissing me madly.

"I'm all better and I couldn't wait to be with you."

Gwyn's POV

It was working like a charm; he was drunk, upset and vulnerable. My theory that I could get him so drunk and drugged that he would think I was Penny again worked. Luckily, I had thought to get a few props I needed a few days earlier. Purple lingerie wasn't hard to find, but a wig close to her hair color and style was a bit more difficult. I didn't have a way to imitate her tattoos, but I hoped he would be so out of it he wouldn't notice. If I could have I would have, anything to get him into bed and have Penny catch us. Luckily, having spent time with them, I knew all their ridiculous pet nicknames and little jokes. I knew he probably wouldn't remember thinking I was her since he didn't remember the kiss.

Eventually, once she took off, he would see who stayed by his side. Without her, he would have the blinders off and realize that I am the woman he truly wants and needs.

Dance As The Sun Slips Away (Synyster Gates)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें