Always Remember...15

Start from the beginning

Someone arms wrapped around my waist making my jump a little as I turned my head to see who it was. “Relax cupcake it’s only me.” Nathan said pulling me closer to his body and kissing me on my cheek. The last time he kissed me was last week when we were in my room and I was trying to pretend I was sleeping. He caught me off guard. 

When I just starred up at him with out saying anything he winked at me and rubbed my arms with his hands. “Why are you up here all alone?” he asked looking up at the moon as he still held me. 

“I..I don’t know. I wanted some alone time I guess.” I said shrugging. I was thinking about removing his arm from around my wait but I didn’t want to get him mad and have him push me off this building. I nearly had a near life experience last week I don’t think I need another one. 

“So I guess I ruined your alone time, huh?” he said sadly

“No, no, you didn’t. I wasn’t really thinking about anything. I was just thinking about how pretty the full moon id tonight.” he told him as I looked back up at the moon. We stayed in silence for a moment and with out noticing I leaned back into his chest, closing my eyes and then deeply breathing in his scent. 

“Hey” I quickly opened my eyes to look up at him. I wonder what happened to staying away from him. “You know every full moon someone marks their mate?” he asked looking down at me with and unknown look, I didn’t know what he was feeling right now but I could tell he definitely cared for me. 

“I never knew that.” I whispered as I snuggled in his arm. “ I wonder when mine is going to come. At this rate I think he probably don’t want me.” I whispered. I wasn’t talking to anyone in particular but I guess Nathan heard me. 

“Maybe he just wants to surprise you or he wants you to live your life before you get tied down to one person.” Nathan said his voice sounding hard and ruff. I just shrugged and yawned. The pain meds that I took for my rib cage were starting to kick in and make me tired. 

“You tired cupcake?” he asked looking down at me as he stroked my long brown hair. I didn’t answer him I just nobbed. “How about we go home then?” he asked me. 

“No, I’ll ask my dad or Seth to drive me home. I don’t wanna ruin the party for you.” 

“That’s no problem, I’m tired to so I’ll just bring you home.” he said pulling me up so that I was off the end of the roof and leaning into his arms. I gained my power and stood up and put my hand on my hips. 

“No, Nathan your just saying that so I won’t feel bad.” I pouted. He started pulling my towards the door that lead back downstairs into the party. 

“Here’s my keys. Wait in my car and I’ll tell your parents and my parents we’re leaving.” he said handing me over his key but I refuse to take them. He sighed deeply and grabbed my good hand at opened my palm putting the keys in my hand and then closing it. 

“Nathan,…” I wined.

“I’m taking you home whether you like it or not!” He yelled making me flinch in fear and back away from him. When he saw me flinch he quickly reached out for me and pulled me to him as he hugged me. “I’m sorry I scared you, it’s just that I want to take care of you and you haven’t fully recovered from the accident.” he whispered in my ear. 

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