Hospital Again

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Hey guys it's Zane we're at the hospital right now because of Star.She wont wake up earlier so we rushed her to the hospital.Zenix and i are ok and the doctor said that she had a panic attack when she was sleeping.

So here's what happened me and Zenix woke up very early so we decided to go for a jog around the park.So when we got back we decided to wake up Star,so we did but she didn't woke up.We tried everything to wake her up but she just won't.We tried literally everything,we even tried to taze her and even the weirdest thing you could ever do and that's what we did.Well just not the sexual things.Anyways,so we rushed her to the hospital and yeah.We sort of decided not to write anything about it first but there's Eliise that worries for Star too.Right now shes sleeping and the doctor said that she will get released tomorrow.The doctor also recommended to see a psychologist for her,to tell the psychologist what's happening.

Alright that's about it we just wanted you guys and girls to know especially to Eliise.Anyways bye ladies and gentlemen.

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