Message Me!!!!(Not Forcing)

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Hey stars if you have any ideas for a new random story then just message me here on Wattpad and i will write it cause my imagination just completely blown up from all the stories.So there's sort of a small gap on my mind for my imagination so i can't remember any of the stories that i was planing to write in the future.So if you have any ideas of any random stories i will make it or i will improve it,it's not like i don't believe that you have a creative mind or anything like that it's imagination is just out right now,it's gone out to some place i don't know about.So if you can then please message me or something like that.Well then that's all i have to say for today and maybe if i have time i might be able to write a bonus chapter or maybe i can't cause...well my imagination is out.Anyways,BYE stars.Meow :3

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