Life lesson from Zane and the reason for Star

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Hey everyone wassup,it's Zane.Really quick i don't know how this shizz works i'm just flowing with it.Anyways Star has been a little bit busy,well i say 'little bit' i mean really really busy lately because of school.I don't know why she's over taking it really badly neither does Zenix.She's been really stressed out and somethin she won't even eat for a whole day even if me and Zenix force her to.I know why force her when we can just talk her out of it but we tried that already but she won't give up and yes even though we smack each other around for no reason but we still love each other and i know it's cheesy to say but we do,we love each other no matter what.Anyways,i don't know why she's really been talking it too much,we checked the results from the exam that we took for our high school school and she got top 3!While me and Zenix followed i got 4th and Zenix got 5th.But still i'm starting to worry about Star she got paler the other day and we don't know where she's going every morning and come back with a little bruise,again i say 'little' i mean but a lot (well not that a lot a lot) and big once too.I'm starting to think that she's hiding something and she's not telling us.I thought we'll share our secrets with each other no matter how embarrassing it is.Now she's hiding something AND SHE"S NOT TELLING US!!!!OK calm down Zane.I'm getting to the bottom of this no matter what happens i'll follow her everywhere even when she goes to the bathroom (ok that's really creepy maybe less of that part) even if i get attacked by a dog or stung by bees or get kicked in the nuts by a homeless guy,I've gone through worse,i would never stop until i figure it out cause i care for my sister i mean twin,i mean triplet,i mean .....GAHH!! never mind.I'm getting all mixed up cause i sometime say their my brother or sister then i realize their my twins.Anyways i got to end this here cause i'm gonna spy on her and be her personal stalker 'till she tells us or i'll find out what's wrong.Bye guys see ya when i get a chance on getting back online on here cause i usually read Bullied by Team Crafted fanfics.Anyways bye guys ;P

I usually hate being worried for other people but this is different this is about my twin and when it comes with my twins,i'll do anything to make things better for them and i won't stop from anything,just to keep them safe cause i don't want to lose them like the one that we lost and the one that we three love the most....Our parents....

BTW everyone don't bully someone that u don't know a thing about their life.For all you know the one that your bullying is being abused by their family and cuts.So stop bullying i know there is good in people even the once that bully and u may think that when you stare into their eyes that they have no mercy while bullying you but the one that you don't know about is that maybe he/she is being forced to bully u but deep inside their hearts they don't want to bully u or maybe they have a really huge crush on you that u don't know about or maybe u were forced to bully him/her and then u started getting feelings for him/her.Once in my life i was forced to bully the person that i have a huge crush on but later on i found out that she was being abused by her dad and the next day i wanted to apologize to her and tell her the truth but before i even faced her i knew that it was too late cause she....killed herself.I was broke back then until now and swore that i'll never love another person again except my family,my only family.So do you guys want that,that the love of your life is gone forever,u can't see him/her ever again unless u commit suicide to see him/her again and be happy together but i know that i have to live cause i thought that if i die i'll miss my family,they'll miss me back.So i stand strong until now and look at me i'm sort of going successful in life (not to brag but oh well).Again i say it don't bully someone anymore cause a lot of things can possibly happen to you or to the one your bullying and before you know it it's too late to save him/her or maybe you.So i'm warning you right now even if you don't bully someone i'm warning you don't start bullying someone to test it out,it's gonna be worse than you thought maybe someday when you die and you bullied someone and that someone killed their selves and they didn't accept or didn't forgive you,you might go to Hell.Do you want that?Hell is another word for torture cause in Hell your forced to work all day and all night without a break if u stop they'll whip you until you bleed.You asked "How do i know this?" I know cause I've read a book that is about the Gods,Greek Gods and Hell.Which is not here on Wattpad i bought those books and i wanna know more about them.And yes i am a little bit nosy sometime a long with Star and Zenix.And your gonna say "Well Zane how are you so sure that books can tell you the truth about the Gods,Greek Gods and Hell." cause i have a feeling they are true and i know it is.I'll even maybe ask for Star's permission to write a new book on here about them.Anyways i gotta go now this is just to warn you about bullying awareness and that you'll someday lose the love of your life.This is just the other part of me that i don't show that much because i'm still broken after my love of my life....Jessica....died.

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