"You're not. So don't worry." Sasuke pulled the car out and I had to direct him to my mother's house. The whole time I was worried about what was going to happen when we got there...

~Sasuke's pov~

I was shocked to hear that my parent's asked Naomi to live with us, but at the same time I was a little excited. Naomi was nervous about facing her mom. The whole time she fidgeting in her seat. I pulled into the driveway of her house and before I could even turn off the engine Naomi was hoping out.

A woman came out of the house. I guess that is her mom. They have similar features but I guess her hair and eye color came from her father.

"What have I told you about getting rides!? And what are you wearing!?" She grabbed her by the arm. For some reason Naomi wasn't speaking or defending herself. I noticed her mom glance at me as I got out of the car and then back to Naomi. "What? He's already got you out of your clothes and into his? You little tramp." Naomi wouldn't speak up. She just looked to the ground. This infuriated me.

"Let her go." I hissed. Her mother gave me a slight glare.

"She's my daughter. This is none of your business."

"Yes it is. I'm here to get her things. She's not going to be tormented by you anymore. We're taking you to court, so I'd advise you to let her go. Unless you want to make a scene." I stared at her with cold eyes. She looked around noticing some of her neighbors coming out to see what the commotion is.

"Fine. Take her, she's your problem now." She pushed her back making her bump into me. I wrapped my arms around her before she could fall. "Hurry up and get her shit out of my house." She went back into the house. I felt liquid hitting my arm. Naomi wasn't making a sound but she was crying. I tightened my grip on her.

"Do you want to wait in the car?" She shook her head and wiped her eyes. I don't know why she wouldn't talk. "Ok. Well we better start getting your stuff." I released my grip on her. She grabbed onto my hand when I did. I looked at her but she was just looking to the ground. I could tell she was scared.

I gripped her hand and led her into the house. I could hear her mother making a ruckus in the kitchen. Naomi took over the lead since I didn't know the layout of the house. She led me up the stairs. I couldn't help but notice there were no pictures of Naomi, just of her mother.

She dropped my hand when we got to her room. I just watched as she pulled out a suitcase and started packing. All she really has is clothes. She went across the hall, to the bathroom, and grabbed her toothbrush, hair brush, make-up bag, and hair straightener. She zipped up the bag and looked to me.

"Are you ready?" She nodded her head and grabbed onto the bag but it looked like she was struggling with it. "Here." I took it from her and she blushed. I smirked. It was actually kinda cute.

As we were walking down the stairs I could hear glass shattering. At least she had the decency to keep her problems indoors... I hurried Naomi out the door. The last thing we needed was her mother feeling the need to vocalize her anger.

I let out a sigh of relief as I started my car. From this moment on Naomi would be living with me.

~Naomi's pov~

I felt sad, horrible, relieved, and happy all at the same time. It was like a tornado of emotions building inside of me.

"You alright?" I was embarrassed that Sasuke had to see that... But at the same time I was glad he was there. If he wasn't things wouldn't have went smoothly. I already know she's going to fight this.

"Y-Yeah. Thanks to you." A soft smile crossed my lips. He glanced at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"Why wouldn't you talk or defend yourself back there?"

"Oh. Sorry, that's habit. I'm not allowed to talk to her. I think the way I talk reminds her of my father... Before I moved here and met Naruto I didn't talk at all..." We pulled into his garage. He grabbed onto my suitcase and carried it into the house. I just followed behind him.

"Welcome back! How's it go?" Mikoto greeted us with a smile.

"O-Ok." I blushed. I wasn't use to this kind of attention.

"Her mother stayed out of the way for the most part." Sasuke said. I was surprised that he still held that emotionless tone to his parents. I thought that just how he reacted to people at school.

"Well that's good. Naomi, are you hungry?" I shook my head. I was still full from those crackers. "Alright, then I won't force you to have dinner with us. You can just go upstairs and unpack your room. You must be exhausted!" I loved her smile. It felt so warm and sincere.

"T-Thank you." Sasuke carried my bag up to the guest room... Well I guess it was my room now.

"If you need anything just let me know."

"Thank you, Sasuke." He smirked and left the room. I was a little upset because I wanted to see him smile again. But I guess it was one of those 'once in a lifetime' things. I unpacked and put away all of my belongings. In the process I changed into my pajamas which consisted of a pair of shorts and a matching tank top. I laid on my bed when I finished and set up my alarm clock. I guess I would be riding with Sasuke from now on... But won't people get suspicious as to why I'm always riding with him? That or just spread more rumors. I already know I'd be worse off if anyone knew I was living with him... My phone started vibrating. I reached down on the bed to grab it. It was Kiba.

~Sasuke's pov~

I finished dinner and headed up the stairs to my room. Naomi's room is the first on the left while mine is the first on the right. They're actually diagonal from each other. She had her door closed but as I passed it I could hear her talking. Curiosity got the best of me so I stopped and listened.

"That would be hard to do considering we have every class together, besides I wouldn't want to..." She was talking about me... My guess, to Kiba. What is he trying to get her to do? "He's not that bad to be around...... Well, I mean I like talking to him and being around him. I just don't like being attacked for it...... No! I'm not one of his fangirls!...... That's not even funny to joke about, Kiba..." I was right.... I clenched my fists. I really wish she wouldn't talk to him. I don't need her getting hurt... "I know this will keep happening, but trust me, I couldn't ignore him even if I wanted to." She let out a small laugh. She never laughed around me... I couldn't take this anymore. I just started walking to my room. "Hold on one sec...... Sasuke?" Naomi popped her head out of the door. She smiled when she saw it was me and stepped out of the room. "I thought I heard footsteps."

"Yeah, so?" She blushed.

"I-I just wanted to say goodnight and to thank you again for helping me today..." A smirk crossed my lips as I turned to face her.

"You're welcome. Now go get some rest." It made me feel better that she rushed out here just to say goodnight and to thank me. She smiled and nodded her head before returning to her room. At least now I know Kiba won't succeed in getting her to ignore me.

Is It Bad To Want Something More? [Modern Sasuke story]Where stories live. Discover now