Some drawings

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I felt like drawing because xAlienConfirmed keeps making me have motivation to draw. The art book is just too good man. So this is what I drew.

This one is kinda crappy but it got me started

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This one is kinda crappy but it got me started

I drew a tardis I'm actually proud of It looks weird because of the angle I took the picture in

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I drew a tardis I'm actually proud of
It looks weird because of the angle I took the picture in

This one is actually me trying to draw a picture I have saved on my phone and I'm actually proud of it

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This one is actually me trying to draw a picture I have saved on my phone and I'm actually proud of it

This one is actually me trying to draw a picture I have saved on my phone and I'm actually proud of it

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Another based off of a picture I have saved but I changed it a bit
Still proud but it's kinda crappy

I kinda suck at drawing but if I want to animate anything I have develop a style. It hurts but I gotta do it for my own sake! Plus, I might be able to make animations soon and I can't wait so practice makes perfect!

I wish death.

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