Power Of The Greek

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***Brylee's Pov**
I awoke to the sounds of shuffling coming from the darkness. My heart sped up as I heard the door to our room creak open. Carter bolted from the bed in a flash from a dead sleep causing me to almost piss myself. I covered my mouth to keep the scream that was bubbling inside of me from escaping. My stomach churned as someone came into view. "Ari?" I ask. "It is time." She says. She steps forward with a white gown in her grasp. "You must put this on and join us. The whole village depends on you now." She says causing my stomach to drop to my feet. "I have a pack. I can't stay." I argue. "You don't have to stay. You just have to help battle the evil that is threatening the village. They have been closing in for some time. They want all of us gone." She explains and I find myself feeling determined to help. "Why?" I demand. "Because they want to kill the werewolves off and with us that isn't possible because we can just heal them." She drags out. "Who are they?" I ask. "Vampires." She deadpans. "No! No way she is fighting those blood suckers." Carter breaks in angrily. "They're my people Carter. The moon goddess knows what she is doing." I convince him. I pull the gown from Ari and pull it over my body. As soon as I do my body lets off a warm glow and I gasp along with Carter. "Together we will fight tomorrow night." Ari says encouragingly before leaving us alone. Carter stands still watching me with wide eyes and I spin around in the gown. "You are so fucking beautiful it hurts." He says in awe. I walk to him and pull my arms around his torso hugging him closely. "I don't want you to do this firefly." Carter says. "I have to." I answer. I glance at the clock and see that it's five in the morning and the chanting has started from the group. "I'm gonna join them." I say pulling away from Carter. I walk out into the clearing where everyone stands around in their gowns barefoot. Elaine and Ari motion for me to stand between them. I lock hands with them and the words flow through my body in a rush and before long I'm chanting with them.







It was a Greek battle chant and I could feel the strength that coursed through us as we said the mantra over and over. I felt powerful and indestructible as our chanting came to an end. "That's never happened before! It finally worked!" A quirky brunette screamed in thrill. "Of course it worked Sam, we have our leader now." Ari explained. She looked to me with wide eyes and smiled excitedly. "It's happening! We're going to fight back and show them they can't bully us anymore." Sam squeals as she pulls me into a hug. I giggle as I hug her back. "I'm Brylee." I say through giggles. We spent the day before our big battle relaxing and stuffing our faces. Carter stayed glued to my side stiff and on alert. He was worried and scared for my safety. He says I smell different since we've arrived here. That's confusing because they don't really have a distinctive smell to me. Carter didn't sleep well and in all honesty neither did I. I turned to look at him as he lay by me. The morning sun was streaming through the window and across the room. "Today is the day." I whisper. He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips kissing it sweetly. I run my fingers through his hair and he groans lightly. "I'll be fine. You have to trust the moon goddess." I reassure him. He looks up at me and pulls me in for a kiss. My lips meet his and my stomach flutters from the passion. "I love you." He says. "I love you more." I say breathlessly. I climbed from the bed and pulled on my gown. It didn't provide much protection but it did boost the power within us. I walked out to begin the daily mantra together only it was silent today. No one chanted and they all looked to me. "What?" I ask cautiously. "They've taken Ari." Elaine cries. The world stops spinning around me as I understand the words she's saying. The battle wasn't coming to us. We were going to it.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I have some writers block. :/

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