I Love You

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A/N: Rated R! Strong sexual scene!

***Brylee's Pov***
It had been two weeks since my world had crashed and burned. I had my first sonogram today and I was excited. I had promised my pawpaw that I'd go to the pig fest with him tonight also. I stood in the mirror studying my small bump with a smile. This baby may have been unplanned but I was excited and happy. I rubbed my tummy in small circles. "I love you butterbean." I whisper. I make my way to the truck and drive to my appointment. I signed in and sat in the waiting area. I was scared and fidgeting because most babies conceived during heat by another wolf that isn't the mate didn't make it. I was scared that my baby was dead but that was a reality I would have to face. If it was dead it was just a cruel reminder not to have sex with anyone but your mate. "Miss. Anderson." The lady in pink scrubs called. I smiled and followed her to the dark room. I climbed onto the chair and pulled my shirt up. She squirted the funny smelling goo on my stomach and placed the wand to my belly. I watched the screen as black and white images swam across it. Then I saw it, I saw my tiny baby. It looked more like a thawed out chicken strip but it was still my baby. I stared at it in awe as the nurse say by me in awkward silence. "I'm gonna go get the Doctor." She said before bounding out the door. A middle aged man entered the room soon after. "Hello I'm Dr. Rob and I'm just here for a second opinion." He explains as he runs the wand across my belly. His fave is blank and expressionless as he watched the screen intently. "Ok Brylee you see this black dot here?" He asks while pointing at it. "Yes." I answer. "That's the babies heart and it should be beating this late in pregnancy but it's not." He says rambling on and on but I'm not listening. My world stops and I fall into a fit of tears. My baby was dead. I hadn't even met it yet and it was dead. I got to see it and be happy! He's got to be wrong! "I'm so sorry Miss. Anderson. We will schedule a D&C for tomorrow morning if you'd like?" He suggests. "Yes, I want it out as soon as possible." I cry. I couldn't handle expelling my dead baby naturally. It would be too much for me to bare. "I'd like a picture to always remember my first baby." I cry. The doctor nods his head and hands me a print of my small and dead baby. "I'll need you to be at Memorial Hospital at ten tomorrow morning. You'll need to go to labor and delivery." He says sealing my babies fate. I nod my head and leave the room in tears. I set in my truck in the parking lot for thirty minutes before driving off.
I enter the house and run straight for my Mawmaw. She takes one look at me and pulls me in for a hug. "My baby is dead." I cry. "Well Brylee you knew the risks when you went in." She explains. "I know but it still hurts to have it confirmed." I sob. "What are they gonna do about it?" She asks. "I have a D&C schedule for ten tomorrow at Memorial."  I sniffle. "Ok honey you know I'll be there." She reassures. "How about you come on out to the pig fest and try to forget about tomorrow as best as you can?" She suggests. "Yea a few drinks sounds like the perfect thing for me." I agree as I drag my feet up the stairs. I pull on a dress that shows off my bump really good. This will be the last chance I get to show it off. I only knew about my baby for two weeks but I still loved it. I sigh and walk down the stairs where they are waiting. I know Carter will be at the fest and since my life can't get any worse I may as well face him again.

We pulled up to the giant house buzzing with people. Adults and children covered the lawn that was glowing with small fire pits. Inside the garage a Karaoke system had been set up and someone was singing terribly. I giggled and stepped out into the warm air. I glanced out at the lake and the moon shinning off of it. This is a perfect place to live. I walked into the house and his smell hit me hard. Cinnamon and caramel invaded my nostrils. My legs went weak with need for my mate. I went in the opposite direction of his smell and entered the kitchen. I grabbed a Bud Light from an ice chest and popped the tab. I took a big gulp of the cold liquid. "Aren't you pregnant?" He asks causing me to stiffen. I turn to look into the eyes that had haunted my dreams the past two weeks. "Leave me alone Carter." I whisper. "No, you aren't suppose to drink when pregnant! What if you kill it?" He asks in a panic. I laugh like a lunatic and spin around a poke him right in the chest. "You are not the father so stop being a prick! I couldn't hurt it even if I wanted to!" I scream. He yanked the beer from me and held it out of my reach. "Give it back Carter." I demand. "No you will never forgive yourself if something happens to that baby." He grumbles. "It's dead Carter! It's dead!" I scream as tears fall down my face. He pulls me into his strong arms as the party buzzes around us. I cry into his shoulder and let all of my pain enter him. His grip tightens around me and he pulls me to the dock down by the lake. He sits down and pulls me down into his lap where I continue to sob. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. "I just found out today but you should be happy this is what you wanted." I sob and accuse unfairly. "You know that's not true Brylee. All I want is for you to be happy. I bought this home so we could raise that baby together. I was gonna come talk to you tomorrow because I just bought it today." He says defending himself. I look up at him through blurt eyes. "You were gonna raise it with me?" I ask in shock. "Yes Brylee, all I want is your happiness." He gushes. I wrap my arms around him and enjoy the feeling of my mate. I bury my face into his shoulder and let my sadness leave my body. "Will you come to labor and delivery tomorrow with me? I have a D&C scheduled at ten." I question. "Of course." He replies.

***The Next Morning***
I stand in front of the doors to labor and delivery with Carter by my side. I push the door open with shaky hands and Carter follows. I walk up to the desk and sign in. "Follow me." The nurse named Sarah said. She escorted us to room number three. "Ok get completely undressed and slip into this gown." Sarah instructed. I stripped from my clothes as Carter stood there awkwardly. I pulled the gown on and turned my back to him. "Will you tie it for me?" I ask. Without a response I feel his hands working with the strings. When my gown is secured I turn to him and hug him close. I pull away and climb into the bed accidentally flashing his side of the room. "Uh sorry." I awkwardly apologize. He chuckles and slides into the bed by me. He holds me until the doctor comes in and wheels me to the back. "When you wake up you will be completely healed and the fetus will be gone." He explains. Since I have my wolf I'll heal a lot faster than regular people. I was thankful for that too. The nurse placed a mask over my face and everything slowly faded into darkness.

I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was back in labor and delivery. I looked to my left to see Carter asleep on the couch. I smile at how peaceful he looks. I move my legs and I'm relieved to find that I am completely healed. I slide from the bed and hover over Carter. I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes open slowly and he smiles up at me. "Done already?" He asks. I nob and pull on my own clothes. "Can we go home now?" I ask. "To your home or our home?" He questions throwing me for a loop. "Our home." I smile.

We pull up to the same lake house that the fest was at but now it's empty. I smile and walk up the concrete steps. It's at least a five bedroom and three bathroom house. I walk inside making a beeline for the master bedroom. I push the double doors open and squeal in excitement when I see doors leading to the balcony. I push them open and smile at the lake before me. I hear Carter chuckle behind me before his arms are around me. I look up at him and smile like an idiot. "I love you Carter." I whisper and he stiffens before kissing the top of my head. "I love you too Bry." He mumbles causing my heart to speed up. He said he loved me! I turn to him hesitantly and look into his eyes. All I can find in them is love and admiration. "I'm ready." I whisper. His eyes widen before he lowers his lips to collarbone. He pushed the right strap of my dress off of my shoulder and brushes my hair out of the way. He backs me up against the railing and looks to me for reassurance. I nob my head and he sinks his teeth into my flesh. I scream in pain but it isn't long before my knees go weak from pleasure. Moans escape my lips as he licks the wound. I look down at it and there's a symbol of his black wolf howling at the moon. I pull his shirt off and study his chest. I giggle when I see the same tattoo on his chest but with an auburn wolf instead. I run my hands down his chest and he shivers under my touch. "Stop or I will mate you right here on this fucking balcony." He groans. I gasp and pull my dress over my head. I stand before him in nothing but my thongs. "I've loved these on you since the first day I seen you in them at school." He teases while running his hands up my leg leaving a trail of fire. He hands cup my breasts gently and I whisper softly. He lifts me up and I can feel his bulge against my belly. He lays me softly onto the bed and looks at me in admiration. "God you're so beautiful." He says before attacking my body with his sweet lips. I pant beneath him as he hooks his fingers around my thongs and pulls them off in one swift motion. He stares at me hungrily as I lay in front of him with my legs slightly parted. His gaze shifts between my legs and I shiver in delight. His hands brush through my groomed bush and I moan loudly. "There's no denying you are a red head baby." He grunts before bringing his lips to my sex. I buck against him as he pleasures me in ways I didn't even know existed. I let out a kid cry of pleasure as he brought me over the edge into ecstasy. He had just given me my first orgasm. I lay against the pillows panting as he pulled his remaining clothes off. He slowly crawled on top of me letting our skin connect. He kisses me passionately and I could smell my musky scent all over him. I whimpered in anticipation. He positioned himself over me and plunged deep inside of me. He hissed and I moaned loudly. "God you feel amazing." He grunted as he pumped himself in and out of my sex. As his thrusts sped up so did my screams until he came to a stop a came deep inside of me. He fell on top of me panting heavily. "I love you so much." He whispered before rolling off of me. "I love you too." I whispered back and snuggled up to him. Our mating was complete and now we were bound for life.

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