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***Brylee's Pov***
He was catching up to me quickly and I was pushing myself as fast as I could go. I turned around to look and his wolf was right on my heels. I howled loudly and pushed my paws against the ground harder feeling my muscles burn in agony. My lungs were burning and felt like they were going to explode any moment. Spots were swimming in my vision as my body was being deprived of oxygen. My legs suddenly have out and I tumbled roughly along the ground. I slammed into a tree and instantly Damon was on me ripping at my throat. I howled loudly in excruciating pain. I shot up in bed with sweat soaking through my clothes. Tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking with fear. "What's wrong Brylee?" Carter asked frantically. "Just a bad dream." I shrug. He pulled me into his chest and held me gently. "He can't get you ever again Brylee, you're safe." He whispered into my hair. "I'm gonna get a shower." I say getting up and walking to the bathroom. "I'll turn the air on, you're soaked in sweat." He says making his way downstairs. I step into the cold stream of water and let it wash away the bad thoughts of that horrible dream. I wrap myself in a towel and head for my suitcase. As I rummage through the bag I come across a box of tampons and my heart drops. Oh god I was suppose to get the "curse" two days ago. I'm two months late and I hadn't even realized it! This can't be happening to me. I drop the box and run to the toilet. I vomit into the toilet as my nerves make my stomach churn. This has got to be a mistake. I pull my sun dress on and run down the stairs. I find Carter in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He takes one look at me and his face drops. "What is it?" He asks. "I-I think I'm pregnant." I stutter in a rush. "Don't be ridiculous we haven't even slept together." He laughs and then his eyes widen in realization. An overwhelming silence spreads through the house and I begin to panic. "Say something." I plead. He looks to me with saddened eyes and my wolf howls. "You're pregnant with Damon's baby!" He shouts making the house quake. I cower into the corner and he shifts before running out the house. I watch as he disappears and I cry in remorse.

*** Carters Pov***
She rounds the corner and when I see her my stomach drops. "What is it?" I ask in a panic. "I-I think I'm pregnant." She stutters. Oh she's so innocent we haven't even done the baby dance.  "Don't be ridiculous we haven't even slept together." I laugh before her words fully sink in. Damon! I just can't get rid of the bastard! He left his seed in my mate! "Say something." She pleads. "You're pregnant with Damon's baby!" I boom in the Alphas voice making the house shake. She cowers in the nearest corner and my wolf whimpers at her fear of us. I shift and bolt from the house leaving her there. I needed to think this through. That baby would be deformed from being conceived by a mother who had found  her mate before she became pregnant. My paws dug into the ground and soon I came to a stop at the falls. There were multiple small waterfalls along the bend of this river. It was beautiful sparking and bubbling in the sun. I slumped to the ground in a huff. First she says she loves me and then she throws this on me. I don't know how I feel about our relationship after this.

***Brylee's Pov***
He hates me, I'd hate me too. I stood in the aisle at Fred's contemplating suicide once again but this baby held me back. I grabbed the two pack of cheap pregnancy tests and made my way to the counter. My eyes were blood shot from crying and my hair stood up in every direction. "Rough day?" The cashier asked. "You have no idea." I whisper grabbing my bag and heading for the door. I make my way out into the humid morning air and began my long walk back to the pack house. I walked up the steps about an hour later and Carter still wasn't back. He's not gonna want me after this. He probably doesn't even want to see my face again. I walk to the toilet and piss on the stupid stick while crying. I place it flat on the counter and pack my things. I sigh when I'm done and walk to the test. I sink to the floor and bawl my eyes out when I see those two stupid pink lines. I drag myself off the floor and pull my bag down the stairs. I pull my phone out and dial my pawpaw. "Hello?" He answers questioningly. "Hey pawpaw can you come get me from the pack house?" I say through tears. "Yea ill be there in twenty minutes baby doll." Pawpaw says. "Ok I love you." I answer. "I love you too baby doll." He whispers before hanging up. I set down on the front steps and don't move again until I see his old ford pulling to a stop in front of me. I throw my bag in the back and climb in by my pawpaw. He takes one look at me and pulls me into his embrace. "I'm pregnant with Damon's baby." I cry into his shoulder. "Oh baby doll it will be okay. Your Mawmaw and I are here for you until our dying dies." He comforts. I pull my seatbelt on and he drives towards our home. I watch from the rear view as the pack house disappears. As soon as it's about to be out of sight I see Carters black wolf staring at our truck howling at the sky. "I'm sorry Carter." I whisper as tears slide down my cheeks. I close my eyes and try to tune out the saddening howls of Carter. I'm doing this because I love him. He doesn't deserve to raise a child that isn't his or a child that is deformed. He shouldn't be burdened by my mistakes. He needs a shot at a normal life.

A/N: Not edited! Whoa I didn't see that coming! I hope you don't hate me too much! Let me know your thoughts.

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