I am tethered by more than chains

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I am tethered to this life by chains,

running like wires through my system;

up my arms, across my ribcage 

through my heart. 

I do not have the key

that would allow me to breathe once more,

I have no cover from this madness  

for I am entirely consumed by it's persuasive tongue

promising me that freedom is just around another bend,

another bend that always seems to come after the last 

and yet never arriving to liberate my soul from these cursed chains.

We wore crowns of thorns as children

when the roses had fallen - 

careful to caress each point with the tips of our fingers 

but never applying pressure

I feel they could sever these chains,

their dagger like teeth atop our heads could save me

and yet you're convinced they could not

You promised to paint me midnight

because it is the only time I can dream,

you promised it would free my mind from this torture

my darling, how wrong you were

I am tethered to this life by the veins I can no longer trust. 

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