Chapter 20: "Mysky I'm getting tired of your Sh*t"

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AN: I have, sadly, started school *breaks down crying* and I can tell these teachers are freaking crazy. I'll probably have so much homework and shit -_- I'll see what I'll do. Just wanted to let you know. Not like I updated daily anymore anyways LOL!

Cuz I won't update anything on Isa's bday HAPPY EARLY BDAY!!! This chapter is for you, it's even titled after you ;D HOPE YOU HAVE AN AWESOME BDAY :) 

VIDEO ON THE SIDE: I made this beautiful thing ;D I might add more but I might not. NO TIME -_- anyways I'm in love with it. Every clip is like how it'll happen in the book (more or less) . That's why I love it. and hey if u saw it.... WATCH IT AGAIN ;D and yes, Ella was changed from Jojo to Emma Roberts. If you guys don't like it, you don't have to complain about it. I've said it always, just cuz I pick them doesn't mean you have to see them that way.ok :) 

PHOTO ON THE SIDE: THE NEW COVER FOR YOU CAN'T CUDDLE WITH A ZOMBIE!!! I made it, took forever to find a good cuddling pic I could change but I'm in love with this :P 


Chapter 20 

Ella peeked out the door. 

Lucky for her there was no one awake. 

She opened the door and slowly walked outside. Her legs were suddenly cold, considering she was only wearing a shirt. 

Jeremy’s shirt. 

She walked to the kitchen and grabbed two apples from the table. She was about to head back into the room when she heard crying. She noticed the door to Sky’s room was slightly open. 

“Sky?” Ella said, as she slowly opened the door. Sky was on her bed, crying. 

Sky’s head popped up. 

“Um Ella,” She said, wiping her tears away. “I didn’t-h-hear you come in,” she muttered. 

“Sky why are you crying?” Ella asked, stepping into the room. Sky shook her head. 

“It’s n-nothing,” she stutters again, turning to the side. “I’m fine.”

“Hey you can trust me,” Ella suddenly said, shocking herself. She watched as Sky bit her lip and turned to her. 

“Me and Will had a fight ok? We-We had a fight and he left last night and hasn’t come back.” She placed her head into her legs. “I’m freaking out. What if something happened to him?” 

“He’s probably fine,” Ella said, unsure. Sky and her weren't exactly best friends. She didn't know what to do. She watched as Sky shook her head. 

"You don't understand," she muttered. Ella looked at her. 

"What don't I get?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. Sky popped her head from her legs. 

"This isn't like Will. He just doesn't-disappear like that." Sky sighed. She messed up. If Will left without her… she couldn't take the thought of that. 

"What was the fight about?" Ella asked, folding her arms. What could've happen that Will had to leave?

Sky's cheek suddenly turned a bright red. "Dominic," she responded. She was very aware of the fact that Dominic and Ella were friends making this awkward. But Ella's expressed made Sky look at her in confusion. 

Ella was smirking. 

"Why are you smirking?" Sky asked, confused. Clearly Dominic had told them about her proposal to stay there, hadn't he? 

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