Fix Me

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter and find it inspiring and epic :)

Josh's POV

"So, the guys and I, we're thinking of going camping," I said. "And, I don't want to leave you alone."

I hadn't left Taylor out of my sight since I found her. I had cleaned her up, and bandaged her. I disposed of her razors, then put her to bed, and let her fall asleep in my arms.

It had been two days since.

"So, how about you come with us?"

She rolled over in her bed to look at me. Her face was stone. She hadn't really left her spot since I put her there.

"Come on. I think it'll be good for you to get out. Distract yourself," I spoke softly.

She just stared at me. She was barely there. The familiar light in her eyes was burned out. The last burning embers were barely glowing. The fire had gone out, and the smoke had left a grey haze over her eyes.

I should've seen this coming.

I, I know just how you feel

"Well, I'm not leaving you. I can help you pack if you want. But get ready because we're leaving today," I told her.

I walked over and shook her shoulder.

"Come on, I'll help you into the shower."

She just groaned.

It was the first sound she had made since I found her.

I grabbed her by the upper arm, and dragged her out of the bed. I pulled her in to the bathroom. I reached over and turned on the shower.

"Are you good to go?" I asked.

She nodded, but kept her eyes on the ground.

I shut the door, and went to go and grab some of her things for the camping trip.

'Cause I don't know how it ever got away

Taylor's POV

The sound of rushing water filled my ears. I slowly took off my shirt. The soft fabric fell to the ground. I stared at myself in the slowly fogging over mirror. That was my view on life. It was slowly getting blurrier.

My life line slowly dissapearing from view.

I took off the rest of my clothes, and stepped into the warm water. I stood with my back to it. I had a horrible pain in my chest. I wanted to have a good cry and let it all out. But no tears came.

I needed to release it a different way.

I sunk to the floor of the bath. I found my razor in its usual position, calling me to use it. I reached over and grabbed it.

I examined the smooth metal, tool. It had become my best friend. Just looking at it made me feel more comfortable. The rush of knowing that it would be releasing my pain as soon as I put my arms to work.

My arms.

I looked down at them. It was the wrists, they were usually the ones eaten up the most when someone was in this situation.

But not mine.

No. They were the least damaged part of my body. My legs had it the worst. Thin cuts and scars crawled up them like spiders. Funny, how I chose to destroy them in thought of no one noticing. Well, I was rather wrong.

Maybe people tend to overlook the wrists because its so common. They think the victim would choose a more hidden place. I was one of those victims. Maybe only victims knew where to look. Then at least someone would understand me. Know what they mean and why I do it. Maybe then I could find others and I wouldn't feel so alone.

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