You're Not Sorry

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Well I guess my brain can't stay focused on one subject at a time. While writing this story in random places, I've also been working on the sequel, and the third story. Yeah, the next two are going to make your insides explode. My brain also keeps spluttering random ideas into my head for other stories, which I am writing down so don't worry because they seem pretty good. But all that's a long way away. Anyways, enjoy.  


Taylor's POV

This was my first time ever, going to the VMA's. It was also my first time performing at them. I was super excited.

I sat in the airport beside Josh, waiting to board the plane. I was also very excited about that.

All this time I was wasting 

Hoping you would come around

Now, don't get me wrong, Amanda was a nice, funny, pretty girl and all, but I just did not like her. Maybe it was the fact that she was in love with my best friend. Maybe it was because I was in love with said best friend. Now that she was out of the picture, I could definately enjoy my time with Josh more.

There was nothing holding me back from being a flirtatious freak now. Except for perhaps that he was still my best friend.

It was about seven in the morning, and Josh was fighting hard to stay awake. Mornings never agreed with him. In his books, they were the definition of lighting yourself on fire.

On the other hand, my band in the morning was a completely different story. They went crazy. Except maybe my back up singer, Liz Huet. She was a tiny little sloth. Just being awake in general wasn't in her books. I imagined that if it weren't for the giant height difference, about a foot, her and Josh would make a really cute couple.

I watched as Amos, and Caitlin, came skipping back to us, with my mom in tow. Yes, I said skipping. My mom, well she was like any regular person in the morning. She needed her daily coffee to stay alive.

"So, we just had a small flash mob in Starbucks. No big deal," Caitlin explained.

"A flash mob with two people? Seems pretty epic," I replied.

"You should've been there," Amos said.

"No thanks. I'm like a regular person. I don't get up and go all hyper in the mornings," I countered. Beside me, Josh moaned.

"Why are you guys so loud? You're making my sleep not work," Josh complained.

Curled up beside him, Liz mumbled something along the same lines.

"Come on man! Get up a little. Move around, do something!" Grant chimed in.

"I'd rather get run over by a plane," he muttered. Suddenly, he shot up. "My spidey-senses are tingling."

He sniffed the air for extra effect. I rolled my eyes at the goofball. Slowly, he turned his head towards a family walking towards our gate. He gasped.

"Well fuck," he muttered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Do you not see what those devil parents have in their hands?" He asked.

"A breakfast sandwich?" I replied innocently.

"Not that, they control the fate of happy Josh, or mad Josh."

"What are you talking about? Is the morning getting to you?" I placed my hand on his forehead like I was checking for a fever.

"They have small children with them," he complained through clenched teeth.

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