teenage dream

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Taylor's POV

You think I'm pretty

Without any makeup on

I woke up. I was laying next to Josh. His soft snores breaking the silence. I stared at him sleeping. He looked so peaceful. It didn't happen often, but when I woke up earlier than him in the same bed, I savored the precious moment.

Today we were leaving to his parents cabin to stay for a few nights. The rest of his family would be there as well. It was like a little family get together. I woke him up with a good morning kiss.

"Mmf, good morning beautiful," he said looking into my eyes. I smiled. "How are you today?"

"Oh I'm good. Amazing. Wonderful," I replied.

"Oh really. Why's that?"

"Because I have an awesome boyfriend."

Our lips met again.

"So, excited to see your family today?" I asked. He groaned.

"Ugh, we're leaving today?"

"Haha, yes."

He groaned some more.

"Oh come on. Aren't you excited? When's the last time your family's been together?"

"Well, as long as I'm with you I'll be excited about anything." I smiled and he brought his lips to mine again.

"Aw, well then I hope you're excited to brush your teeth because your breath smells really bad."

He laughed and I attempted to push the slug out of bed.

After what seemed like forever, we had finally gotten all ready, and were in his fancy vehicle with our bags in the back. We quickly stopped at Prado to get two Maple Lattes. Yes that's right. Maple lattes in the summer. The café had gotten so used to me ordering that drink, that they kept it year round just for me.

We made small talk as we drove. The drive was a few hours long, but it would pass by entertainingly.

"Hey, so is my scarf still at your sister's house?" I asked over the radio softly playing.

"Uh, heh yeah probably," he replied. I rolled my eyes. That scarf had been there for months now. I tuned back to the radio.

"Hey all you Taylor Swift fans, if you're a boy don't get excited, because earlier today she was spotted at a café with Josh Ramsay, lead singer of Marianas Trench. Still lots of controversy about the odd pairing. Sources are saying that he's too rebel for her. Is this another relationship gone wrong after a few months? We'll find out soon."

I huffed. It was like nobody in the world agreed with us being together. I quickly switched the radio station. It was getting dark, when I realized we had been driving for way too long now.

"So um," I cleared my throat, "you have no idea where you're going do you."

"Uh, what are you talking about? I know the way perfectly," he said. I might have caught a bit of sarcasm in his voice. My eyes went wide.

"Oh great! We're lost in the middle of nowhere. We're gonna die and get lost and kidnapped and raped—"

"No we're not!" He laughed, "We're just taking the long, and, scary way…"

I laughed. I loved his sweet disposition that sometimes shined through his tough skin.

"Hey! I love this song," I turned the radio up louder.

"You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream! The way you turn me on, I can't sleep," I began obnoxiously singing loud. Josh joined in.

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