Gaster!Sans x reader-Outside Alone

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It was really late at night, past 3 to be exact, so I decided to write this and yep, Gaster!Sans cause he's cool.


You walked through the forest, hugging yourself to keep warm. You had a jacket, but the cold wind blew hard. Your hair blew in the wind's force, and you shivered, as you felt a presence around you. You continued to walk, cautious steps while looking behind you now and then. That's when you could have sworn you saw a yellow eye in the dark.

" W-who's there?" You whisper-shouted, now getting scared. You hated walking home late at night from Grillby's. You shivered again, as something cold was on your shoulder for a second, only to disappear. You were freaked out by now.

" no one in particular...." You heard a voice say. You froze, someone was definitely following you. You shook your head and sped up your pace, walking faster. You squinted due to the wind blowing at your face. 

" All I have to do is get home...." You whispered to yourself, " Toriel will protect me." You were watching your feet, hoping not to trip while someone was following you. You managed to get past over a log-bridge, and stopped and looked behind yourself. No one was there.

" Did they just stop?" You asked aloud, a low chuckle was heard, " wouldn't just give up." You turned around, and nobody was there. 

I'm going insane, You thought, looking around to just see trees and snow, I'm hearing voices. You continued to walk, slower than you were before. You were breathing heavily from the running. You were calming down as Toriel's house came to view. A snap was heard behind you, and you turned around.

" Sans? Is this a trick? I don't like it!" You said into the cold wind. No response. All you saw was snow, and you quickly went into the Ruins. You went straight to Toriel's house where she was cooking pie for dinner.

" Welcome back home, Y/n." Toriel said, her calm voice making you calm, " How's your way back home?" You shivered, " It was okay, same as usual." You hated lying to Toriel, but you didn't want her to be worried. You ate the butterscotch-cinnamon pie before Toriel tucked you into bed. You fell asleep soon after. 

You woke up in the middle of the night to feel a presence in your room. You looked to your left and saw a glowing yellow eye. You squeaked and ducked under your covers.

" heh. no need to be scared." The figure said. You scanned him, and your mind decided to think he had a good outfit. You calmed down as he didn't do anything, you were both looking at each other. He was looking in your e/c eyes, while you stared at his one yellow one. 

" welp, see ya." He said, teleporting out of the room. You were still staring, confused on what just happened. You eventually fell asleep.

" Y/n! Time for breakfast!" Toriel called, you woke up groggily. You slowly made your way downstairs, and sat at the dining table. Toriel brought you another pie, and you took a few bites before you stopped and laid your head on the table.

" Are you okay my child?" Toriel asked you, sitting next to you. You nodded, " Just tired." She breathed a sigh of relief. " Well you better finish that pie if you want to do anything today!" Toriel encouraged, patting your back before walking out of the room. You finished the pie and went outside, this time bringing a scarf just in case.

" See ya Toriel!" You yelled, she waved to you from the other room. You walked back through the forest, strangely hoping to find the strange skeleton again. You wrapped the scarf around your neck, and you saw a glimpse of yellow.

" Is that him?" You whispered to yourself. You went over and sure enough, it was him. You got a better a better chance to see what he looked like. One thing you knew was that he was a skeleton.

He had two cracks in his skull, and was wearing a small black vest and blue jeans. 

He's kinda cute.....wait no! I can't be falling for a skeleton! You said to yourself.

He looked over at you and smiled a little, " hey." He said, which snapped you out of your thoughts. " Is this where you live?" The skeleton shrugged, " you could say that." You two were in silence for a minute or two until you broke it by saying, " What's your name? I'm Y/n." The skeleton's smile widened and he looked at the sky, " Y/n.....nice name. i'm gaster sans, or just call me gaster." You blushed a little at his response.

Gaster huh? Neat name. You thought, looking at him. You walked over to him, he fliched when you leaned against him. Gaster seemed to have a tint of yellow on his cheekbones. You smiled and made him sit down next to you.

"Have you been anywhere else?" You asked him, he shrugged, " i like staying here." You laughed, " Let me take you somewhere beautiful!" You grabbed his bony hand and pulled him to Waterfall. Gaster looked at the surroundings, and he seemed amazed.

" Pretty, isn't it?" You asked him. Gaster looked at you, " not as pretty as you." You looked back, " What did you say?" His face was brighter yellow, " n-nothing...." You sat down on the cold ground, along with him. You watched the water fall from it's starting point. Gaster was playing with the zipper of his vest.

" hey Y/n?" Gaster broke the small silence. You looked at him. " you know, i've been i saw you, it was like love at first sight....." He was literally glowing yellow in the dark. You blushed and laughed, " You seemed pretty cute at the start anyways!" Gaster looked at you and smiled. He kissed you, surprisingly without lips, and you blushed brightly. 

" i love you Y/n.

" Love you too, Gaster." 


So yeah, that's what happens when it's late at night. So yeah, hope it was good :D

Longest story so far with 1055 words.

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