We figured that we might as well get everyone's Christmas presents right now considering that Christmas is tomorrow.

'How about we shop for the others together and then when we are shopping for eachother we can split up and meet so that we don't see what we are getting.' Louis suggested and I agreed.

We went into all kinds of different stores and we eventually found something to get for everyone. I got Liam a Buzz Lightyear hoodie that said 'to infinity & beyond' on the back. I got Harry a leather bracelet that says 'partner-n-crime' and got myself one too. I got Niall the newest Justin Bieber cd and Zayn the newest Little Mix cd.

Louis got Liam a shirt that has a pull string on the back that says 'imma cowboy' when you pull it. He got Harry a shirt that says 'he's my Louis' and himself one that says 'he's my Harry'. He got Niall a few new guitar picks and Zayn a shirt that say's 'I wanna be in Little Mix' on the front and on the back it says, 'but they don't like me'. I though it was pretty amusing honestly. 

'Okay now, meet me back here in 15-20 minutes and then we can go and do whatever we want, okay?' Louis said. I nodded and walked off. 

I walked into LIDZ and picked out a red and black snapback. The atualy hat was black and the flat part was red. I had the worker there put '#peasants' in red letters on the front of it. When I was content with it, I walked back to the place where I was told to meet Louis. 

'Hey are you done shopping for everyone? Got everybody something?' Louis asked me once I was in his sight and in hearing distance.

'Yep! Do you?' I said back. He nodded and then we just started walking around to random shops again until Louis stopped me.

'Oh! You don't have a dress for the New Years party do you!?' Louis said in a paniced tone. I laughed at his sillyness and shook my head. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a nice looking store that has dresses in the window. 

'This looks like a nice place. Why don't you go and try some on and i'll tell you what one you should get!' Louis said as his 'girly' side kicked in. I just laughed and went along with him. 


'What about this one?' I asked as I stepped out of the dressing room in a dress that went to mid-thigh. It was a black dress that had slits all over it but there was a very dark orange fabric under it so that it didn't show skin. It was honestly horrid in my opinion. 

'Ew no! Go take that off right this instant! That is iicckkk!' Louis said and made me laugh. 

After tons and tons of dresses I finally found one that I actually liked. 

'How about this....' I asked and walked out. 

'Oh. My. Carrots.....That dress is perfect! I'm buying it for you! Go change right now! I'm getting it! End of story!' He said and I smiled and nodded, running back into the dressing room to take off the beautiful dress. 

It was an royal blue silk chiffon strapless dress that went to mid-thigh. It had light ruffles at the bottom and diamonds spread across the top. It was so beautiful. 

Louis payed for the dress and we started our walk back to the car. 

'Wow it's already 5:00. We should get back home, Love.' Louis said and I nodded and smiled. 


When we got back to the house the lights were off. 

'What the heck! They forget our birthdays and then they just leave.' Louis said as he put the key into the door and swung it open, reaching over and turning on the light. When the light came on all of the boys and Elle and Dani and Perrie and Zach jumped up from hiding places. 

'Surpize!' They all yelled and Louis and I jumped back a little bit. 

'You guys didn't really think we forgot did you?' Zayn asked as him and Niall took some of the bags from Louis and I. 


Today was amazing! I had so much fun. The boys didn't really forget! It was just an act. After I had taken a shower and gotten into my pj's I started to think about everything that I had gotten. 

Liam got me a charm bracelet and an 'A' charm. Harry got me a cat charm and a necklace that has 'Lil' Dj M' on it. Niall got me a charm that is a crown with 'Princess' under it and a snapback that has 'Niall's Princess' on it. Zayn got me a charm that's in the shape of a microphone and a hoodie that says 'Mini Zayn'. Dani got me a charm that has ballet shoes tied together and a pair of dance shoes for myself. Perrie got me a 'DJM' charm and a shirt that says 'lil' sister' and she has one that say's 'big sister'. Zach got me two charms, one that is a ice cream cone and one that is a movie tape. When I asked his what they meant he said, 'The ice cream cone is from when I first saw you at the ice cream shop and the movie tape is from when I first talked to you at the movie.' I thought it was the cutest. Eleanor got me a 1D charm  and then whispered in my ear, 'your other one is in your closet.' When I went and looked before I got in the shower I found a whole bunch of baby stuff. I love my family and I couldn't have asked for a better one!

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