"I'm leaving." Hiraki said with a flick of her wrist.


"When you die, I can't say I told you so." Hiraki sing songed as she skipped away.

"Always leaving like the coward you are." Kurayi snapped.

"Shut up!" Hiraki roared.

When Hiraki took a step back to her brother, it was the last step she ever took.

Sesshomaru was in front of her, his hand thrusting right through her chest as he held her beating heart in his.

And then he crushed her heart in front of her brother's eyes, pulling his hand out of her chest as she flopped to the ground. He grabbed Hiraki's corpse, wiping her blood from his hand on her face, before throwing her carelessly to the side.

"YOU BASTARD!" Kurayi screamed out, charging at Sesshomaru.

But Sesshomaru swiftly dodged his attack by stepping slightly to the side, taking that moment to reach down for Bakusaiga.

When Kurayi turned back around to charge at Sesshomaru again, he had already swung his Bakusaiga down as a trail of lightning shot at him, striking him right in the heart as it spread to electrocute the rest of his body.

Sesshomaru turned on his heal as Kurayi's screams of agony filled the air.



I was angry. I had been angry many times in my life.

But not to this extent. The last time I was this angry was when I had visited my poor excuse of a mother last. When Rin died in the netherworld.

I had left her here in the village of Kaede, trusting her under the protection of A-un and my idiot little brother. I should have known better. None of them could protect her better than I. She was in greater danger when I left her.

It was Rin's birthday. I had missed her birthday last year since I was on the brink of death, poisoned by a demon that I thought was too foolish and weak to kill. With the healing of a demoness, I returned and killed the demon.

Originally, I was planning on leaving Rin to live the rest of her life here, away from harm. My plan was to see her tonight, one last time on her 18th birthday, before disappearing from her life. Forever.

And then a foolish demon related to some weak human I had defeated in the past decides to show up and try to kill Rin to drag me out.

Well, it worked.

And now, I was furious.

We were still miles from the village when I realized the blood trail Rin had been leaving grew bigger, while her scent had been growing weaker.

Fear flooded into me then.

It was one of the few times I had ever felt fear. If she truly had died, I would have lost myself. I would have never forgiven myself. And still, I would go to the ends of the world to find a way to bring her back.

How I managed to keep my anger to a minimum surprised me, it was a miracle I didn't transform into my true form at that moment. That would have attracted too much attention than I would have liked.

And besides. These two demons weren't worth the attention. They were angry siblings who had given up that human souls to acquire the strength and abilities of demons, only to die at the hands of one.

I followed the trail of blood through the woods, leaving that pathetic fool to die at his sister's side.

I stopped when I felt a presence fly over me. There was a huge gust of wind and the loud shuffle within the trees as a thud sounded behind me.

Fate's Desire [Sesshomaru x Rin]Where stories live. Discover now