Chapter 13 (slightly mature)

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"That!" Fionna squealed, and Baxter giggled from where he was hidden under his blanket.

"Babies are so talkative today," Harry cooed, rubbing his belly. "Even Pumpkin is wiggly!"

I placed my hand on Harry's stomach, "Wanna kick for me, beebee Punkin? Even hiccups would be okay."

Fionna grabbed for my hands, wanting my attention on her, "Dahey, Dahey..."

"I'm not forgetting about you, my little Feenna," I assured, leaning down and planting a sloppy kiss on her nose to make her giggle.

My mum brought a plate of pancakes and such to the table, and I realized that as I'd been talking with Harry and Fionna the girls had been setting the table with plates, forks, spoons, and anything we might need for the pancakes. Niall whooped excitedly, and Fionna gave a slight squeak of terror as her little ears flattened. Harry's own ears flattened, and I found the chain reaction heartbreakingly adorable. He reached for her and gently stroked her cheek, "Beebee... it is okay, is just Niall. Not a dog."

Since my mother and sisters had already brought the food to the table, we all found different items to use as chairs so we could wait for Zayn and Chris to show up, and I went ahead and gave Harry his medicine. Fionna had eaten nearly all of her baby food and was reaching for anyone that was willing to take her out of her highchair, so I took her and wiped her face gently before letting her sit on my knee. Zayn and Chris finally rushed in and dumped the stuff they had brought by the tree, and then we all sat down and ate.

"So Louis, Harry," my mother began. "Baby names for the little boy! Do you have any?"

"They're naming him Niall," the Irish lad proclaimed.

"Wrong!" Daisy frowned. "They're naming him Spencer."

"Spencer?" I arched a brow, and she giggled.

"I just like that name..."

"It's probably a great name for a Spencer," I said slowly. "But I don't think our little pumpkin is a Spencer. I think he's an Edward."

"Like Harry's middle name, how sweet," my mother gushed.

"But William?" Harry frowned.

My mother nodded again, flailing her hands a bit, "Edward William? William Edward...."

I turned slightly, wrapping my arm more securely around Fionna so she wouldn't fall, and used my free arm to lightly stroke Harry's belly. His own hand was already cradled around the front of it, and I simply rubbed circles on the skin above his belly button, "I think... he's more of an Edward. Right Pumpkin?"

"Nope!" Harry crowed. "Pumpkin says William, he told me."

"Oh did he?" I giggled. "You guys tell secrets?"

"Yes," he nodded in a serious manner. "Says he wants me to tell you that he loves you very much."

Everyone at the table cooed as I leaned forward and planted a kiss on Harry's tummy, "I love my Pumpkin more."

"Poor Fionna," Lottie laughed. "Stuck in a house full of boys."

"Knows she is loved though," Harry pursed his lips, and we all turned our attention to Fionna to find that she had a pancake in her hand and was gumming at it. "Oh."

I grimaced, carefully prying it away from her, "Beebee, I don't think you can eats pancakes yet."

"That!" she shrieked, as if she couldn't believe I would dare take her food. "No! No that!"

"No pancakes," I told her apologetically, kissing her head.

"That!" she reached for it again, and I gently placed her on the kitchen floor. She looked up at me in disbelief, her bottom lip trembling.

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz