9.) Spiritual Ascend

Start from the beginning

I looked at everyone in the tent. They were all staring off into places in the tent and were mindlessly eating their yogurts and chips…well except for Tori. She was tapping her feet which meant she was impatient and nervous. She looked up and locked her gaze with me and there I knew her decision was already made. I nodded at her, knowing I had made mine as well.

“So,” My redheaded friend began. All the other girls looked up and she met them with a straight face on. This side, the serious side to be exact, of Tori has never showed itself…until now. It made me shiver to the bone.”Have you girls made your decision?”

We all nodded. Elaine spoke up with a small smirk playing on her lips. “If I have a chance to kick some Evil One’s butt? I’m taking it.”

“Yes, I agree with you,” Julie said, chuckling. “We will continue being warrior of the Spirits. We won’t deny what had been brought upon us. We need to protect our home before the Evil Ones invade it thoroughly.”

“Agreed!” We all cheered at Julie before walking out of the tent in the same formation we marched in when we hiked across the forest. We lined up in front of the Spirits and Tori was the first one to speak.

“We have made up our minds.” She had an air of confidence around her which I haven’t seen before. “We will continue who we are. We will also fight for our home, if that’s needed.”

Rose and the other Spirits smiled brightly, their faces all reflecting the same happiness. But it only lasted for a few seconds. Megan’s face turned serious as she confirmed Tori’s last sentence.

“Oh, there will come a time when you will be battling against the Evil Ones and their damned Cursed. Until then, we train.”

She snapped her dainty little fingers and suddenly the ground began to shake. And you wouldn’t believe what came out next.

Right there on the football field size clearing, came out the most unusual things that could be found in the middle of nowhere…namely the following: treadmills with non-existent power chords, a twenty foot wall of rocks that were meant for scaling and climbing, a thick rope dangling from a glorious height of thirty feet from a length of unbreakable metal chord that was being held by two silver poles on each side that looked almost like ladders, a big soft mattress—twice as big as the biggest size on earth—where the rope dangled from (just in case we lost our grip on the rope so we fall to our deaths), a race track with hurdles in it, a target practice area, a swords-fighting floor and a nursing tent for the injured. It was a sight to take in that Julie and I couldn’t help but give a small whistle of appreciation.

“All this for our training? Are you sure?” Elaine asked skeptically.

“Yes,” Megan answered her. “This is needed. Although all warriors will be given a boost on your senses, don’t worry since it’s just going to be a tiny one,” She added when she our shocked faces. “That tiny boost will just heighten the strength in both your arms and legs, which mean you can run a tad bit faster and carry heavier things than the average human without even breaking a sweat. Your sight and hearing will also become a little sharper—though not like ‘vampire and werewolf’ sharp okay—just to improve your chances in a battle, so that you will know where and when your enemy shall strike.

“And this camp was only made to build up your stamina and your skills. We need to train because battles with the Evil Ones could last for hours and maybe your endurance cant last that long.

“But that thought will stop here and now. We,” Megan gestured between her sisters and herself. “Will train you until the time comes for the battles with the Evil Ones and their Cursed. You will be prepared for everything,” She paused before smiling from ear to ear. “Let us begin.”

Spiritual Ascend (Book 1 of the Spirit Trilogy) [ON HOLD...SORRY!!]Where stories live. Discover now