70- The Ending.

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this is where it ends guys, (probs sucks, lol) but read the a/n:) and I really hope you enjoy this last chapter. 


I know it's generic, and I know everyone says it in all those films and in all of those books, but the gym is absolutely stunning, and I've never seen it any prettier.

Naturally, as it's a spring themed ball, it has spring themed things in it. From the ceiling hangs wonderful yellow and baby pink ribbons, stars dangling within the tangles of beauty, and as I look up at it all it feels like the sky is falling. Like the stars and the planets are running towards me, to us, to the world, and that in any minute possible the universe will break, the universe will fracture and nothing will have ever mattered. But with Luke by my side, and my four best friends, I can't bring myself to care one little bit.

I refuse to let the anxious thought ruin my mind, tonight I want to be happy; I've never been to a ball or a dance because of the fact every time I've ever been invited I've turned it down.

All I know is that they're meant to be the most generic thing, and that there's meant to be big proposals and expensive dresses and tuxedos and prom king and queen and dances and tears and people sneaking alcohol in the punch and cool after parties tat we certainly wont be attending.

"It's beautiful," I smile, and Luke smiles at me smiling and I turn and lock eyes with him and it's a nice moment.

"So are you," he touches his lips to mine lightly, soft as my favourite sweater of his, and it seems to make goosebumps run through me.

His fingers slip out of mine and I pout only for his arm to wrap around my waist, his hand sitting snugly on my hip bone.

We all stand in silence, in a warm, comforting silence as the rest of the school pans out around us, I watch as girls and boys walk in linked arms, obviously going for the 'with the gals' or the 'lads' night, as apposed to getting all caught up about having a date.

Suddenly there's a piercing scream and we turn around quickly to see it's only Morgan, in the arms of her best friend, and we roll our eyes.

"Omg!" they squeal in unison, only then to proceed to talk about how painful it is to the fact they didn't see each other for a whole 24 hours.

I struggle not to laugh and we all do. They talk about how excited they are for their sixth school dance and then dive into further conversation about their dresses.

"And he was all, 'you can't have a dress any more than £1500'," she says, and then her friend laughs, as if that's such a crazy thing, like £1500 isn't loads of money. "'and then I was all, 'what the hell do you expect me to buy under that', and then he said 'there's so much you can buy!' I mean, who does he think I am? My dad can be such an ass sometimes,"

I swear to god I almost spit out my sour, bland tasting punch.

"I bet Tessa brought hers at the charity shop," she cackles and so does Jessica and I swear I freeze. Jessica nods, agreeing with her.

"Everything she wears looks like she took it off the streets," she says bitterly and it feels like a jab to the stomach. "I don't know why Luke even likes her,"

Sometimes I wish I could stop myself, sometimes I wish I could turn away when I know there's more coming, because I knew she was going to say something, something that would bring my self-doubt running back and make we want to take off my dress and wipe of my makeup and hide alone in my house, alone like I used to be, when it was so much scarier but so much easier.

"Babe, don't listen to her," Luke pulls me away from her direction, snapping me out of my zone of thought, and I force a smile on my lips to flash to my uncertain looking friends.

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