40- Pizza and popcorn.

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The boys burst through my front door and I drop the plate as I jump in surprise.

I let out a squeal and Luke laughs. I scowl at him before dropping to the floor and beginning to pick up the shards of glass. As Michael, Ashton and Calum laugh at my reaction; Luke bends down and stops me, telling me he doesn't want me to hurt myself.

I thank him and stand up, turning to the boys.

"asshats," I say and they continue to giggle. I brush past them and sit myself on the sofa, they take the hint and follow me in, I notice Calum holding a big bag.

"What's in there?" I ask, propping myself on my long sofa, waiting for Luke to arrive so I can snuggle.

"Today's needs, requirements and food. Lots and lots of food," Calum says, placing down the bag with a thud in the center of all the sofas.

I climb off the sofa, and like a little kid, cross my legs and begin to unzip the bag.

As I do, the waft of sweets and chocolate hits me and I feel sick, I scrunch up my nose and the boys must understand because they just laugh.

I watch as they all kick off their shoes and lay back.

"Throw us blankets," Ashton asks, and I do, but then realize they have the three, leaving Luke and I with none. They then begin to scoot around and make a big gap in the middle.

"What, you think we're going to let you get away with avoiding our cuddles?" Michael says and I roll my eyes and laugh. There's no problem with space, the bloody sofa is humongous, and I used to hate it, because it'd only remind me how lonely I was, but now I've got people to fill the spaces, I love it.

I then proceed in throwing them chocolate bars, candy and popcorn.

"what do you want to watch first?" cal asks, stealing the blanket from Michael and making him groan, and steal it back, they then begin to play fight and I come to the conclusion as I sift through the tens of DVDs that I ship them, despite the fact they both have girlfriends... Eh.

"Oh my god we have to watch Pitch Perfect!" I squeal and the boys and laugh.

I pout and cross my arms over my chest like a little kid in a bad mood.

"What?" I sulk.

"I never knew you had such a feminine side to you!" Ashton says and I shrug.

"You know... I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress," Michael says distantly and I think he's right... thinking about it, I can't even remember the last time I wore one.

But that is mainly because I'm too conscious.

"Yeah, maybe one day... when I put on weight," I laugh awkwardly before standing up, brushing of my grey sweat pants, and pulling our my relatively tight shirt.

The thing is, though I'm skinny, unlike most thin people, I have curves.

I have a pretty good waist, an hour glass figure almost, and I actually have boobs.

It's weird really, because despite me being so small, I still have curves, even kind of in my thighs, and it's odd, really.

But I guess I can't complain.

Sometimes though, I will look in the mirror, and I won't see me.

I was diagnosed with minor body dysmorphia early last year, and they also believe that could be why I'm so thin.

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