53- Valentines Carnival.

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As we step into the fair grounds, my tummy fills with butterflies, but happy ones this time and I smile. Children running, teenagers laughing, the dark night sky, and lights and rides.

The atmosphere is incredible.

Luke squeezes my hand and I look up to see him glancing at me in adoration.

I walk with a skip in my step and I laugh along with everyone else when Michael tells some shitty joke about valentines. Michael and his jokes.

After only twenty seconds of walking, we stop by a hot dog stand.

"Okay, so what are we getting on first?" I say, grinning. The boys raise and eyebrow at me.

"What? Just because I'm small and skinny and fragile, doesn't mean I'm scared of rides," I say, crossing my arms over my chest, and pouting.

"Well... no, we just assumed-" Calum begins.

"Well," I begin sassily. "You assumed wrong. And I bet all you're butts that you'll all scream louder than me," I say, smirking.

"Okay, deal." Michael begins. "I bet you err... candy floss," he says, I roll my eyes and laugh. I nod and step forward, we shake hands and grin.

"So... first, we go on that one," I follow Calums finger to see the helter skelter, we all laugh.

"Let's do it," I say, like an excited three year old, and Luke laughs at me, taking my hand.

"RACE YOU THERE," Michael screams, and we all begin to sprint. Usually I'd be there first, but with heels on, and Luke holding my hand as we trudge through the grass, we have to be careful.

I squeal a few times when Luke almost pulls me down or my small heel gets caught in the grass, but when we finally make it I'm caught out of breath unlike everyone else, and laughing.

Once we all finish our giggles the bored guy asks as for our money in a nonchalant tone. We hand him over the money before grabbing a mat, between pairs; Luke and me, Ellie and Ashton, and when Calum and Michael agree to share I can't help but grin.

We all begin to ascend up the stairs slowly, our unfit states hating the exercise. Especially my asthma and anaemia, I have to stop, only for twenty minutes when I begin to see spots. They all make sure I'm okay before laughing at me; I laugh a long with them, breathlessly.

We soon begin again and reach the top, were Calum and Michael go first, and then Ashton and Ellie, leaving me and Luke last.

Luke delicately places down the mat, and I slide in first, gripping the sides that protect us tightly, so I don't slip. Then Luke carefully slides in behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach and legs around my waist.

"You okay?" he asks, and I nod.

"Yep," I say confidently, leaning back against him.

"Then lets go!" he yells, and before I can do anything else, he pushes off quickly sending us flying around and down the helter skelter. My loose hair flies in the wind and from up here, as we laugh and as the wind catches our breath, I feel on top of the world. The lights and dark night is a blur and all I can focus on is us. Us. And as I squeal I feel his laughter against my back and his hands grip my stomach that bit tighter as we whip around the corner.

Have you ever experienced something like that? When you're laughing so hard and nothing apart from that moment seems to exist; like it's all gone and all you can feel is the pain of strain pulling you're stomach and all you hear is each other, and in those precious moments, you feel like you can do anything. Anything in the world.

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