38- broken noses and fixed hearts.

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this chapter goes out for the amazing the_secret_nerd , Ellie, she's on of my favorite humans ever, she puts a smile on my face every day, and can always cheer me up. we're are so in sync, and she's like my older sister! plus, i want to wish her good luck- not that you'll need it- as she's receiving her GCSE results today:) i wish you everything, Ellie! and also, if any of you guys are getting your results today, or soon, good luck, and don't worry, because you're going to be fine:)

anyways, now, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, i actually wrote it last night, but wanted to upload it today!Xx

As I walk down the corridor, minding my own business, one ear bud in, quietly playing green day, I suddenly hear shouting; usually I'd ignore it, but I can't help but recognize a familiar voice.

I turn around to see a crowd of people and wander awkwardly at them.

I try to push through the crowd and someone grabs my arm.

I recognize her from my English class, and I know she's quite friendly.

"They're arguing over you," she whispers.

Who? Who's arguing over me?

I proceed pushing through the crowd to see Luke and Morgans boyfriend, Tom.

"Where's your girlfriend, hemmings? She take an over dose?" Tom laughs, and suddenly Luke's pinned him up against the locker, his face bitter with anger, and I have a feeling Tom, said something before I arrived, because I know Luke wouldn't do that without a bit of winding up.

"where's your girlfriend, Tom, shagging your best mate?" he asks, smirking and suddenly the crowd laughs, I think I know why; it was clary who was telling me that apparently last year, when tom and Morgan were last together, she hooked up with Shaun, his best friend, and I have a feeling Luke was caught up between it all.

All too quickly tom has shoved Luke off him and has punched him. I watch as his heavy fist connects with Luke's delicate, perfect skin and I feel ill.

My stomach begins to knot and my throat becomes thick with panic.

Luke hardly flinches and suddenly grows ten sizes; were he must be so used to it.

He punches tom back in the jaw and a sickening crunch accompanies it.

Tom almost falls down but doesn't, he quickly spits out blood with a look of grimace on his face, but then all to quickly he rugby tackles Luke to the ground and I take a sharp hit of breath.

Suddenly there are loud chants and they're rolling around in a mess on the floor; throwing punches and horrific noises company them.

Everything becomes a blur and my heart begins to pound as I see Tom throw another punch at Luke and see him recoil a little in pain. I feel like fainting, I feel like stepping in, but I know I couldn't do anything.

A hand grabs mine and I turn to see Ashton.

He smiles at me and I know he can sense my panic.

Though I want to pull away, stick to my assignment of distancing myself, I need his comfort right now. He doesn't speak knowing I won't reply and I appreciate it.

Tom is now on top of him and I watch as he punches him in the eye. I flinch as though it was me, because I really can't stand watch boy I love in pain.

The whole crowd 'ooh's' and all to quickly Calum, Michael and Ashton begin to take action, deciding it's gotten to far, are all rushing to pull off Tom of Luke, but get yanked away when Toms jock friends begin to fight with them.

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