39- I'm to broken to fix.

185 4 7

*tessa Pov*

"Tessa, that looks nasty, I think we should take you to the hospital or something," Ashton explains, gesturing to my swollen, bruised hand.

I immediately go rigid with fear and shake my head.

"No, I'm fine," I say, averting my gaze to my feet.

There's an awkward silence as they all look at each other.

Luke takes my shaky hand and looks at me sadly.

"What about Dr. Fall, she's trained to deal with injuries," Luke suggests but I just shake my head. "hun, I'm sorry, but we need to take you to somebody, and it's either Dr. Fall or the hospital, and- and I think you need to see her anyways."

He finishes saying the sentence and takes a sharp hit of breath, like he expects me to react instantly, but it only hits me a few moments after what he means.

He thinks I need to see her about my harming; and my eating probably.

I nod numbly and start to tear up.

"No, no, please don't cry, beautiful," Luke says, taking me into his arms and stroking my hair.

The three other boys clear their throats and ashton says they'll leave us alone for a moment, I feel Luke mouth a thank you over my shoulder and they nod.

"Don't cry princess, it's going to be okay, I promise," he starts and I just continue to cry. He ends up pulling away, and he puts his hands on either side of my skinny face and looks into my dark, sad eyes.

He leans out foreheads together and I bring myself to look in his eyes.

His eyes his eyes his eyes his eyes.

Such a bright, beautiful, gorgeous blue and I'm sure I could get lost in them forever.

And then we're kissing.

Just like that, we're kissing and it's like none of this happened and it's like the world stops spinning and for a moment it's just us.

Us against the world, like it was and I don't know how I survived without him and he holds me like he's lost me and found me and I never want him to let go.

His arms are tight around my waist and I feel myself ripping at the seams and I can tell he's the only thing stopping me from falling apart.

All to quickly the kiss becomes heated, and his hands are around my waist and my hands are ruffling his thick hair. out mouths move in sync and his tongue asks to enter my mouth. 

When I finally pull away, breathless and flushed, my tears have disappeared, leaving faint stains on my skin, and the taste of Luke still remains.

He pulls me into him, and I lean my head into his shoulder.

"I know we've still got a lot to figure out, and talk about, and I know it's going to be hard as hell, but we're going to get through this, I tell you, and it's all going to be fine. We're going to be, I promise."


"Tessa, long time no see hun, you missed your last three appointments, and I was so worried!" Dr. Fall says, pulling me into a warm hug the second she sees me. I see the boys give me a look regarding me not going to appointments, I guess, but I ignore them. "I tried to ring but it always went straight to voice mail." She stops now, and looks at me, her look is sad and I look to the floor, I look away, avoiding any and all eye contact.

"c'mon, lets go in, all of you," she says, and the boys look surprised but don't hesitate.

We all take seats, the four boys squish onto a sofa I've never actually sat on, and I sit in my usual one, opposite Dr Fall and close to the boys.

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