25- voice of an angel.

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Just to let you lovelies know, this is only going to be a short filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy and I might double update today I don't know:)

27th of December:

When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold.

I stretch out seeking Luke's warmth, finding nothing but the cold canvas material of the empty bed.

He's gone.

Of course he's gone.

Something happened last night and I still don't know what, but it's obviously upset him enough to leave.

But now I sit alone, up straight, staring at the ceiling and running over the things that could have possible happened.

But seriously, what could have happened?

After a while, I give up, knowing it'll only drag me into a sad, dark place if I continue to think about it all.

So I sigh and stand up, brushing my hair out of my face and grab my grey cardigan off the hanger, wrapping it tightly round my skinny body.

I walk into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea, and I lean against the counter and close my eyes, curious as why I'm so tired, only to open my eyes and check the time.

It's 9'oclock and I'm surprised I slept in so late, but I guess it's because I went to bed at 1 in the morning.

I rub my eyes, and consider trying to get back to bed, maybe if I sleep I'll forget.

I'll forget about how I upset Luke, and ruined something, I'll try and forget, escape from reality for just a few more hours.


I wipe away the sleep from my eyes and walk drowsily into the kitchen, I grab my meds, newly located on the kitchen counter and walk into the lounge only to see Luke watching TV.

"Jesus, Luke," I breathe, trying to calm myself after seeing him scaring the crap out of me.

He pulls his gaze away from the TV, only to look at me. He flashes a small smile but it's gone as quickly as it came.

"Where have you been?" I ask cautiously, sitting down next to him.

"Just out," he says as he returns to TV.

There's an awkward silence and all I can do is debate whether to talk to him about it or not.

After time I gather up the courage to speak, though my voice sounds fragile and shaky.

"L-Luke.." I breathe. He looks over to me having sensed my anxiety. "Have.. Have I done something?" I say.

"What do you mean?" he asks, shifting towards me.

"It's just... you seam upset, and annoyed with me.. and- and if I've done anything wrong can you- can you tell me?" I ask, taking sharp hits of breath every time I pause, trying to gain confidence, but finding nothing but stiff air.

Luke's quiet for a moment, and my stomach is ridden with anxiety, ready for him to tell me we can't talk anymore, ready for him to be repulsed by me.

"no, no, you haven't done anything," he says and I have a double take. He's got to be kidding me.

"Then.. Then what's up?" I ask, suddenly tearing up.

I guess you could say I'm tearful a lot, but that's only because it's a symptom of depression.

I remember reading it on a information booklet my mum grabbed me when it first came apparent to us, it took me a while to read it, but once I did I'd never felt more strange, it was like I was relieved but at the same time, I'd never felt more paranoid.

But it did help me come to terms with things, and understand why I got certain things and felt more ways than others.

"I'm.. I'm fine, I just- I just haven't been sleeping well, and I'm just tired, okay?" he says and I look at his face.

He's always had circles under his eyes, and they don't really seem any more prominent. "Don't worry about me, okay?" he says and smiles.

He pulls me into him, and I lean against his chest.

I'm sure it's not the whole story, but I'm not going to push anymore.

He strokes my hair and apologizes for worrying me.

I tell him its fine and I understand.

We continue to lie together and he hums sweet tunes in my ear and I wonder how I ever survived without hearing his angelic voice.

"You're a great singer," I whisper and he smiles down at me, his finger still twirling my blond hair.

"Thank you," he says back, his breath tickling my neck.

When I finally sit up, he pulls me back, but makes my face turn to him.

He starts to kiss me, I kiss back, I wonder how I ever doubted our relationship, and that's how we spend the rest of the day.


Hello, sorry this was short, it was just a sort of filler chapter, I may or may not double update today, but if not today, I'm pretty sure tomorrow.


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