4- the worst things in life come free to us.

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this is going to be a lil filler chapter, cause my friend, Ellie, yes ashtons girlfriend, wants one:) ps. this will switch POV

i kick of my boots carelessly, knowing my ocd will make my tidy them later. 

i run into the bathroom, not bothering taking of my clothes or grabbing a towel, and jump straight into the shower. 

the warm water overwhelms me, giving me even more goosebumps, but the better kind. 

i sink down to the floor, 

and i sob. 

i cry and i cry and i cry. as the water continues to run, my sobs echo of the white walls and i know I've never felt more alone. i must there for about 10 minutes until i bring myself to come out. instead of being cold and drenched, i'm now warm and drenched, and feeling slightly better.

I've been carrying that on my chest for to long, and it feels great to get rid of it. 

even if i did push away someone that was trying to be nice. 

i step out of the shower cubicle thingy and onto the laminate floor.

i look around the bathroom to find myself relived when i spot a spare pair of pajamas on the side. 

i peel my original clothes of my body and almost dry instantly, as well as feeling lighter, and pull on my thick, cozy pajamas. i run a brush through my wet hair before piling it up onto the top of my head in a towel.

i look into the same mirror as this morning, and force myself to smile. it feels strange and foreign to move the muscles i haven't tweaked in so long. 

but it feels great.

i scoop up my clothes and throw them into the tumble drier before walking down into the basement. 

my happy place. 

not that i know anyone, but no body knows about this place. 

it's my escape. 

with thousands of song lyrics, painted, written and spray painted on the walls, photos and drawings pinned up, this is the place i choose to be my favorite. 

i have about one wall left until i begin to decorate somewhere else or paint over it all. 

and i have exactly what i want to do with it in mind.

i search through the piles and mountains of paint until i find a new black one. i select through my brushes until i find the right one and lug them both over to the empty wall. 

i watch as the lid opens and i dip my dirty brush into the beautiful, undisturbed, black paint, and watch as it satisfyingly drips back into the pot when i lift it upwards. 

and then i go for it. 

the paint drips and runs down the walls as i write the large letters all the way across. 

i'm done within a few minutes and i take a step back as i look at the beautiful words. 



*Luke POV*

as tears continue stream down my face, i force myself to turn on the ignition.

i get the car driving, and it's just me and the dark road ahead.

i don't wanna go home, i really don't, because i know what'll be waiting for me. 

two drunk parents and a lot of yelling.

i have friends of course, but none of them are real. all fake, forever hugging me and saying i love you a bit to much to be genuine.

i have Calum and Michael, we're secretly great friends, but they're houses are to far away for me to go to my house in the morning to get the bus. 

the truth is, i don't have friends. 

and no one is 100% trustworthy.

only a few people actually care, the rest are just curious. 

for a moment i consider turning back and going to Tessa's.

i noticed that there wasn't a car or any lights on and i'm pretty convinced she lives alone. 

maybe if i explained to her, open up to her like she did me, she'd let me in. 

i'd give anything to be with her just for one night. 

i want to learn about her. i want to know what goes on in her twisted head of hers and i want to have a conversation with her at 3am just to let the sleep drug us and we'll tell each other our darkest secrets. 

i haven't even known her for 24 hours and i'm already intrigued by this girl. 

i want to know how she feels and handles her depression. i want to see how she copes or if she even does.

i want to learn all about her so she's not such of a mystery. 

because that's what she is, one big mystery, and i'm going to fill in the gaps and find all about Tessa Kent. 


i'm outside the house and i can already hear the yelling. 

my belly fills with the familiar dread and i wish i lived any where but here. 

i climb up the stairs and slide the key into the door. i try to open it as quietly as possible, but because of it being rusty and n looked after like the rest of our house, it lets out a loud groan. i flinch as the yelling comes to a stop. 

"oh, look who's home!" my mum slurs as she stumbles into the room, my step dad walking behind her, a cigarette in his hand. 

"where were you? huh?" he growls. he steps forward and i step back. 

he laughs bitterly. 

"aw, is that were you went, chickened away from us because your scared?"  

i go to walk past them, scurry up the stairs when my mum grabs my wrist, her nails digging in, and yanks me back. 

"trying to run away again?" she spits viciously as she draws her hand back and slaps me on the mouth. 

her wedding ring cuts my lip and it starts bleeding. 

i raise a hand to my mouth and look at them both, my glare like acid. 

and i decide i really do hate them.

"just like your dad!" she screams as she goes to slap me again. i don't move,  i don't react, i just take it, because whatever i do, it always is wrong to them. 

that's when it all began, when my dad left. you'd turn your back and she'd open up her flask. soon she became an alcoholic, then an angry alcoholic, then just plain abusive. 

she starts to break down again, sobbing into the kitchen table  and Robbie comforts her. 

"look what you've done to her!" he yells violently. he points to the stairs and run up them and into my room without hesitation. 

i barricade the door with my chair and climb into my bed. 

i put in my headphones, blasting Blink-182 at full volume and look up at the ceiling. 

as my eyes begin to droop, one thought comes to my head. 

Tessa was wrong. i'm not rich, i'm not happy and i'm not perfect. 

in fact i'm the complete opposite. 

i'm living in a hell hole and i'll do anything to escape. 


helllloooo:) i really liked writing that small chapter, it was really dark and sad, but i wanted to get some story and extra lil' bits in there:)x 

i'll update as soon as possible, but i'm going back to school tomorrow (3 day weekend) and i might me a lil more busy! 

plus it's summer so people will want me to socialize and stuff!

anyways, hope you enjoyed!

ps. i didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes:))

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