43- another sleepless night.

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if any of you like the hunger games, and have read the books before it was cool, lets be friends aha, no idk, when i was writing the first bit it reminded me of this scene- WHICH WAS SO MUCH CUTER IN THE BOOK BTW-  so yeah, here's a gif of Jennifer cause she's queen; along with Halsey:)xx 

just before you read aswell, i'd like to shout out to anyone that actually votes, comments or has added my story to they're list! it means an awful lot to me, you have no idea, and honestly, I've been quite sad lately, and whenever i see response or comments or anything, it immediately brightens my day and makes me like 10x happier, so thank you :)xx

I bolt up screaming.

I look around as I frantically try to shake the nightmare from my head.

Luke up beside me already trying to soothe me, but I'm still freaking out, looking around.

I continue to scream and yell and thrash around in fear, and Luke begins to yell at me to calm down.

"Tessa! Tessa, stop, your awake with me now," he takes my arms in his hands and tries to get me to look at him, but I'm shaking like a leaf and I'm yelling and thrashing around. I hear the lights switching on in the hallways and feet running towards us.

"Tessa, you're okay, just breathe beautiful, your going to be okay," he says, strolling my arms and hair, and trying to soothe me.

I hear the door click and everyone rushes in, and I can almost hear their anxiety.

I don't see it though, because my head is in my knees, and I'm crying.

They all stand and watch me and I'm a complete mess. Sweat and tears and I'm shaking and Luke's stroking my back, and my friends all sit down on my bed or stand up and watch me.

Every time I close my eyes I only see the nightmare before my eyes, so I glare at the blankets on the bed.

I repeat words in my head and attempt to reassure myself; that I'm here, that I'm alive, Joe is gone and so is my tragic past.

'Tomorrow is my birthday. My birthday is the first of February. A Saturday.

And today is Friday. I've been reunited with Luke and the gang for four days now, and I've has everyone of those days off- all of us have. It's been great. I have them back and there's nothing to worry about.

And my suspension ended yesterday, and I was meant to go back in today, but due to a turn of events- my precious Michaels heart getting shattered- everyone is sleeping over. Everything will be okay. It will be. I know it. Luke loves me, and I love him too, and so do all my friends but in a different way. My birthday is going to be good. It's going to be fun; I'm going to have fun. And nothing will stop me.'

I continue to repeat these words in my mind until the tears stop flowing and they begin to dry and my breathing returns to its normal.

When I finally look up, everyone is still there, looking at me to my surprise.

I thought they would have left.

"I'm sorry," I say, running a hand through my loosely tied up hair. Wisps fall around my face where I tossed and turned in my sleep and I feel very insecure; especially now Luke has turned on the small bedside lamp and everyone can see me from the unflattering glow. "It was just a nightmare," I say, licking my lips. Luke grabs his half drunk cup of water of his bed side table and offers it to me; I take it with an unsteady hand and bring it to my lips without hesitation.

The water is refreshing and gets rid of the disgusting taste of staleness from my mouth

I smile at him in thanks and he takes it back.

The Worst Things in Life Come Free to us|L.R.HOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz