9- social suicide.

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"I still can't believe It," Ashton says as he runs a free hand through his curls, the other one holding tightly to the steering wheel.
Neither can I if I'm honest.
"He just seemed.. Seemed so- so genuine," I say, my voice hoarse from tears. i sit in between Michael and Luke in the back seat, whilst calum and ashton sit in the front.

"yeah, well, he's obviously not.." Michael says.

"no shit Sherlock," i say, not meaning to sound so harsh. i mentally face palm my self. "sorry Michael, just not in the best mood right now," i sigh.

"it's fine," he smiles. i try to smile back but feel to weak.

i feel to weak and i feel to drained i know my mum sending me here was a mistake.

back home, i was miserable, but i did have a friend. a true friend, not fake or bitchy, but genuine, and i loved her, because she was the best friend i could ever ask for, but my mum moved me away, shipped me off and now i'm sitting here, after basically being raped whilst my thoughts consume me and i think i'd be better off dead.

"Tessa?" Luke's soft voice snaps me out of my daze and back to harsh reality.

slowly, ripping my eyes away from the spot i had been focusing on, i turn to face Luke. his baby blue are eyes are looking at me cautiously, and only here, only now, as the moon casts onto Luke's face, with the feel of his hand on mine, do i notice how beautiful he really is.

it's inhumane.

"you zoned out for a moment, i got worried," he says, concern laced in his tone.

"-i- i- i'm..." i try. i try and i try and i try, but for some reason it's never been enough for anybody.

not even myself.

as my words trail off and i feel his eyes and mine sadden, i know I've reached the brink. i know i'm about to spill over and i fear nobodies there to stop the tap.

all of a sudden he pulls me against his chest and i let him.

i let him, i let him ,i let him, oh, how i let him. just because i love the feeling of somebody's embrace, finally after so long.

i feel my heart take over my head and i know everyone around us thinks what we're doing is weird, but i suddenly don't care.

we're still driving when my eyes begin to droop and sleep consumes me.


Luke guided us to Tessa's house. how he knew the way, or were it was, i don't know, but i don't push it as we pull into the driveway.

"i need someone to open the door and come in quick whilst i carry her," Luke explains as he begins to unbuckle his seat belt. all to quickly all 3 of us boy's hands are in the air, all suddenly wanting to see Tessa's house.

"okay, the why don't you all come in?" he says, sounding slightly irritated. "but if she wakes up to find us all in her house, you can make up the damn excuse," he mumbles before getting out of the car delicately, making sure to support Tessa's head as he gets up, where it had been leaning against him for support.

i know everyone says people look younger in sleep, but i don't think this is really the case for Tessa.

her closed eyes don't look as sad and she doesn't look as scared, but the dark circles are still prominent from beneath her eyes, and she still looks somewhat warn down for somebody that is naturally so delicate and should look sweet and at ease.

Luke quickly slides his hand into her jacket pocket and i'm surprised she doesn't stur when he retrieves the keys from her.

i fear she's deep in sleep not only because she's a deep sleeper, but this rest has been needed.

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