51- Tears on a Saturday.

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This chapter could be triggering I'm sorry ily x x

Saturday, 6 days before Valentines:

I wake up to my phone ringing.

I groan and roll over, my head aching slightly; I grab my phone and accept the call, holding it to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask into my phone.

"Hello Teresa, it's your mother," I have to refrain myself form letting out a sigh as I bite my lip. Great, just the voice I wanted to hear first thing this morning.

"hi." I say quite bluntly into the phone, beside me I feel Luke move as he begins to stir.

He nudges himself closer to me, digging his head into my neck, his hot breath tickling me.

I put my hand in his blond, messy hair and begin to fiddle with it whilst my mum begins to speak again.

"How was your birthday?"

"Good..." I trail off, watching as Luke cracks an eye open and looks up at me. There's an awkward silence. "So... is there any reason you're actually calling or?..."

"Right! Yes, I just wanted to let you know I've been busy lately and haven't been able to pop down and visit, so I just put some money in your bank... is that okay?" she asks and I have to bite down hard on my lip to stop myself from crying.

She's not busy; she doesn't even work. She just doesn't want to see me.

"Yeah," I try to hide the sadness in my voice. It doesn't work. "So tell me, exactly, why are you busy?" I ask, sitting up gently before I get to my feet, being careful not to wake the sleepy Luke, and walk out the room.

"Oh..." she sounds slightly taken of guard. "You know, just some things," she says awkwardly.

"Of course. Right. Well thanks." I say abruptly going to end the call before she speaks up again.

"Excuse me, that's all I get?" she asks in an annoying tone and this time I allow myself to sigh.

"What to you expect me to say, mum?" I ask, raising my voice slightly in anger. "You can't be asked to come and see your own daughter, so instead you shove some money in her bank in return? It doesn't work like that," my voice cracks as I speak and the tears begin to tumble down my cheeks. "Stop thinking that you can buy me, mum! I know you don't love me as much as my other siblings but don't pretend you do!"

"Well I'm sorry. I was trying to be nice; you should try it some time, it might get you some more friends." This bitch. Just as I think she's done she carries on. "And if it makes you feel any better, you were a mistake, we didn't even want you, didn't them, don't know, you messed up everything between me and your dad!" she screams and I gasp, the tears choking me. I must say, this argument escalated quickly. Then again, everything with her does.

"Okay, well, thanks for telling me mum, at least now I know why you've always hated me so much!" I scream and with that, I end the call. I throw my phone across the carpet and shrink down against the wall, tucking my knees to my chest as I put my head in my hands.

"Tessa?" I hear Luke yell in concern. I hear as he runs about looking for me. "Tess-"

He cuts himself off when he walks in the lounge to see my curled on the floor.

"Oh my god," he rushes over to me and gets onto the floor in front of me only so he can pull me into his chest.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asks frantically, smoothing my hair down and whispering into my ear. I feel the panic radiating off him. In response I can only sob into his shoulder.

The Worst Things in Life Come Free to us|L.R.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora