Chapter 6

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The long awaited day have come! I woke up and found myself covered in a blanket. More like the bed was comfy. And I am hoping for the best it is not in Kaito's room. I slowly open my eyelids, just a tiny bit. I observe the room a bit. It's not his. Probably a guest's room? Does he always have one? Or is it just his parents room which likely they won't come back anytime soon. I sat up and yawned, covering my mouth.

I took out my phone and see the messages that made my sleep very unpleasant. It was buzzing continuously. Oh! If you're wondering how does it not loose battery, I don't know. Maybe this phone is kinda special. Plus I can't see the percentage of the battery and that battery icon is gone. I don't know, solar power energy?

I scroll up to look the messages he sent. They were all useless since it said for me to 'wake up and talk to me please! Or else I will annoy you ;)' and been sent over...50 times. Just a prediction, just a prediction... Then another message came. I scroll down to see what kind of weird text he sent me.

I am surprise you can sleep very well when i was vibrating your thigh. Was it like a massage when I did it? Did it feel great? Of course you did. I bet you had a pervy dream about Kaito. ;)))))

I blushed very red. "No! I don't dream about him, not a pervy one at least! It wasn't the vibration, it was the noise of the vibration. It was making me go crazy but I slept some how." I scowled.

Is alright. I love you ;) haha I don't know. Sweet dreams are always great. You don't need to lie.

I ignored him and put it inside my pocket one again. I tried to look around for my glasses. I had a little small panic attack. My glasses were gone. Okay nevermind they were on the side of the bed. I took them and wore them, until I notice there was a contact lenses case on the drawer. The note was under it. I took the note first. It read.

If you wake up, please wear the contact lenses on to cover your eye. I think it would be a lot safer.


Seriously? You know my eyeball is red all over. Why the heck are you giving me contact lenses if it only covers my pupil.

I sighed in disappointment of Kaito. He should know better or less because I know. I know he is much more cleverer than me. I got off of the bed, took the contact lenses case and trudge to the bathroom since there was no mirror in this room. After I entered, I closed the door and stare at myself on the mirror, inspecting my red eye for a while. However to my surprise, only my pupils are red, the rest around my pupils are pure white. I guess something happened over the night. Although my pupils are very bright, scarlet red. So bright though.

So thinking of that, Kaito wasn't dumb at all. He checked my eye when I was sleeping. Probably like that. Also, I never wore contact lenses. I glance down to my hand which was holding the casing of the contact lenses. I open it, revealing the same brown colour of my eye. I touch it, it was wet. This was my first time touching it, maybe. I don't really remember touching any contact lenses but fortunately did see them and their casings.

I took off my glasses and open my left eye widely, touching the lense with my index finger and place it gently on my left eye. It didn't hurt much. Though once I look myself in the mirror. It matched my other eye. How cool. Atleast no one would know except for myself and Kaito's. If anime logic applied here, it applies to me so I don't need that thing where you need to keep the contact lense wet. Also it didn't have those minus or plus. I think its just a normal one.

I wore my glasses and shoot a wink at myself at the mirror and suddenly hate myself. Okay I will never do that again I look like loser. I heard a sudden boisterous voice coming from down stairs which scared the living soul out of me. I open the door and head straight downstairs to see what was going on. It was Aoko and Kaito arguing. Kaito sat on the chair while Aoko stood up wearing an apron. What a wonderful relationship.

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