Chapter 39

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On a clear night, the moon up on the display on the dark gloomy sky. Shining brightly, but a light red toning it down. The light from the moon, silhouetted the half monster, half human girl and of that, only her eyes brightened up in a crimson colour on her face, everything else is completely shadowed. So bright, so red, like a colour running through the human's veins. Kaito and Conan already knew it was not her. It was plainly obvious. Her voice, the change of her colour hair and also, her eyes.

They both knew it was the jewel, which it was just more then crying tears of immortality. It is far beyond that. Not to mention, far too dangerous for anyone to possess the jewel itself.


"Akako, what do you mean? That, this will happen again." Kaito asked worriedly, directing his gaze back at Ani with her face all pure white. Akako sighed deeply.

"I told you, this might happen again. But this time in the future, she will be not the person is, probably, because of the jewel. It will be better if she take the eye off her face, that could help stop her from forming into a monster. But if it's taken out, the jewel would find another victim straight away, flying to the next one which is dangerous. And for me, I have to develop an object that could stop this from happening. It will take 1 month for the Pandora to take action. Well, cautious about it." She explained, crossing her arms. "In the mean time, just keep her safe away from people that might trigger it."

A slight groaning sound came from the raven-haired girl, stirring herself around. Everyone's gaze look down on her. It is actually weird on how her face and neck is a white and the rest are her normal skin colour.

"Kuroba, wake her up. I need to check her eye." Akako commanded him.

"Can't you like, open her eyes and still not wake her up?"

"That's not possible. I need to see her behaviour, if it's okay or not."

"Alright!" He groaned. "But it doesn't look like she's going to wake up."

A booming voice came from the phone which always scares the living out of these people.

"Hey Kiddy Kido! I know how! I'm sure she will hate this but make an impression almost like me! Any voice will do but make sure you make it sound like me!" Kaito wasn't sure about that but he took a try.


A step back. Kaito was absolutely terrified. Ani herself is a normal human being. However, the person right now it isn't her. He keeps repeating this several times, that she is still a human. A human with a human heart. Kind, friendly, nice. She doesn't show it much but he knows that her true self. Kaito felt the despair for no reason. How much did she endure? How much she had to suffer?

'A girl who came to this world without trying to torment others.'

'An all honesty human, but mysterious. Secrets well preserved, as well as her hidden self.'

(Where, when and why did I make this quote?)

Another step back. Conan was looking up to Kaito, who he never thought that Kaito would ever falter his poker face, ever. The signs that shown on his face truly fazed Conan. The disability to comprehend what had happened to the poker of his, had been broken. He was able to see through it now. He never thought genuinely Kaito would be so afraid, so terrified on the different girl they known before.

That angered Conan, he knew that Kaito wouldn't be too puny about this yet. "KID WAKE UP! YOU HAVE NO TIME TO BE TERRIFIED AT THIS POINT!"

Another step forward. Ani is moving.

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