Chapter 17

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I woke up in a middle of the street. The starry sky seems to bestow me, well looks like it. The cold hard, rough ground made me sat up and look around, it was uncomfortable anyways.

It's a wonder. How was I ever laid down on the road. I wander my eyes around the place. It's dark, and only the lights from the street lamp from above was the light source. Every street lamp was broken at some point but I wouldn't know.

I gradually took my time to stand up on my legs. Dusting off my jacket and my trousers. I didn't really remember anything of me just sleeping on the ground. I blinked. Everything seemed weird. Almost as if I was looking only through my right eye. I was wearing glasses even. It took a moment to realise and remember.

I remember now. I blacked and then. Then?

I quickly clutch my stomach, terrified. Why? The hole to my stomach where that man stabbed me. I pat my stomach several times. The pain seems not to be there or the stab wound. That's not quite the case.

Why would eventually, all unexpected, me being this place? I died, didn't I? I should be in the after life. But I am not. This is a game. It is a game. A game that I respawn. A game where you try again after death. This is a game. What am I thinking.

From what I remember, I was wearing a uniform and stayed in that Mouri's Agency thingy place. Now I wasn't wearing that uniform anymore. It was the clothes I brought from the shop. The shop? My phone. I pat my pockets to find out if my phone was with me. It is not there. Where the hell would it be?

I couldn't be safe any longer. That phone might be my only way and the only option to be use in this world. And I think that's it is useful.

I slide in my hands to my pockets, strolling off and began to think. As dark lingering thoughts began to appear in my head. I felt really bad and sad. I don't know why.

Who was there? Anyone? I need answers. I need someone to explain it to me. This is horrible. Maybe Conan. Conan will know exactly. He was-

At that moment, I halt my thoughts. Conan was there. He was there to save me. Who else? That guy of course but who was that? Did Conan tried to save me? Of course he was trying to but I blacked out.

No, it all make sense now. I knew I couldn't trust him. It must be. It is him. But I have no clue who though. I am dumb. This is getting no where.

I sigh, and began walking. This route. I remember. Kaito's house is some where here. I look around to see the familiar house shape. It's definitely here. I should, I should stay for a moment and think.


-Conan's pov-

I slam the door open, just before looking at the silhouette through the blurred glass frame of the door. Suspicious, that was not Ani. She doesn't look like that. Some intruder, and currently keeping hold of Ani, and not letting her scream.

He was holding a gun, pointing it on Ani's head and at the same time, he was gouging her eyeball out of her face and blood was streaming down her cheek. My eyes widen in the sudden scene that I began to move quickly.

She was screaming in agony.

"Ani!" I cried out. I didn't notice but her stomach was stabbed, bleeding non-stop till it flowed down to the floor and started to spread. That's when I became furious at the person. I held my belt, holding the button and it blow the soccer ball. I duck down to turn on my power shoes, then kicked it to the person.

He already got Ani's eyeball as she collapsed to the floor, lifeless. No, Ani! She just came to this world and died?

The ball I kicked clashed onto his head, toppling him over to the table and his hand letting go of Ani's eyeball. I must have knocked him out now.

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